Dangerous Mugman

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You was sitting on the living room chair reading your book, while the cups were on the floor, counting nickels that was in a jar, making you curious. So, out of curiosity, you put your book down and looked down at the cups with a quizzical look on your face.

"Uh, why are y'all counting nickels?" You asked, causing Cuphead to say, "Well because darlin, we were savin' up for the best game in all of Inkwell," not looking away from the nickels. "Really?" You asked with a raised brow, causing Cuphead to smile a, "Yep, and also, it's super dangerous," still not looking away from the nickels, causing you to let out a small 'oh' and slightly nod. After this, you went back to reading your book, while Cuphead and Mugman went back to counting the nickels.

About twenty minutes later, they began to put the nickels back into the jar. Once they finished doing this, they stood up from the floor and Cuphead exclaimed, "Alright Mugsy, we have exactly 250 nickels!" While holding up the nickel jar. "Which means..." Mugman started while smiling, and after this, him and Cuphead got close to each other and exclaimed, "That we have enough nickels to play the game all day at Porkrinds shop!" When they were done doing this, they departed from each other, as Cuphead lowered the jar of nickels. They then looked at you, still with smiles on their faces. "So y/n, wanna come with us?" Mugman asked, pointing his thumb back to the front door, causing you to put a hand to your chin. 'Well, I guess I have nothin' else better to do,' you thought. After this thought, you stood up from the chair and smiled, "Well sure I guess." "Cool!" Cuphead exclaimed, before swiftly grabbing your hand and running out the front door, while Mugman walked out the front door and shut the door behind him.

"Man darlin, this game is gonna be awesome!" Cuphead beamed while walking, making Mugman nervously nod and stutter out, "Y-Yeah the g-game is pretty g-good." "Uh, what's the game about anyway?" You asked with a raised brow, causing Cuphead to look at you. "Well darlin, it's like uh," he paused before saying, "Well, ya know like how there's some things that ya have to see for yourself?" Causing you to slowly nod in confusion. "Well, it's like that, but I can tell ya that it's very cool and dangerous," he smiled narrowing his eyes at the word dangerous.

After he said this, you just nodded and turned to Mugman, whom was shivering a bit, but when he saw that you was looking at him, he just nervously smiled again and said, "W-Well, it ain't that dangerous," with sweat coming down his forehead, making it look like that he was nervous or scared about something. When you was about to ask him what he was scared of, Cuphead leaned up to you and said, "For some odd reason, Mugsy's very scared of the game," in a whispery voice. The moment he heard this, Mugman quickly shook the sweat off of his forehead, and yelled, "Hey! I ain't scared of no game!" With crossed arms. "Yeah, sure you're not," Cuphead sarcastically said, while rolling his eyes with a small smirk on his face, making you giggle.

Once y'all made it to Porkrind's shop, you opened the door, and after you did this, you saw a guy with a blue hat and a green bandana on, and was holding a brown box. "Hey Porkrind!" The cups exclaimed with locked arms, causing the guy to sneak out of the door, and for Porkrind to rub his temples. "Today's the day Porkrind," Cuphead exclaimed,while him and Mugman walked over to Porkrind's desk, as you followed behind them. "We've been saving up our chore nickels!" Cuphead beamed, now shaking the jar of nickels. After he did this, y'all walked closer to Porkrind's desk. "And can you guess what we're gonna spend em on?" He asked, shaking the jar of nickels again, now with a bit lip, causing Porkrind, whom was still rubbing his temples to groan, and let out a blunt, "No." "The greatest game in all of Inkwell Isles," Cuphead answered, while pointing at the game. "Also, it's a little bit scary," Mugman meekly added.

When he finished saying this, y'all walked over to the game, and when y'all made it over to it, it was revealed to you to be a...pinball machine, making your hopes disappear, because you thought that it was actually going to be a fun game, but in your opinion, it wasn't. "Dirk Dangerous vs the volcano," Cuphead smiled, giving the jar of nickels to Mugman. After he did this, he turned to you and asked, "Well darlin, wanna give it a shot?" To which you responded with, "Nah, I'm just gonna look around." "Well in that case," Cuphead started, before turning to the nickel jar that Mugman was holding. He then pulled out some nickels. He then turned back to you and gave you thirty nickels. "Just in case ya wanna buy somethin'," he winked with a small smile on his face, causing you to simply blush and usher out a 'thank you,' before beginning to look around the shop.

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