Roll the Dice

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The cups were playing with Elder Kettles' tire outside, while you was inside the house, reading a book. You tried to warn them about the consequences of playing with it, but they didn't listen so you decided to go back inside the house and read a book. While you were reading, Elder Kettle yelled, "Boys, are favorite TV show is about to start." He then walked over to the kitchen window, "Hey! You're not playing with my lucky tire again are ya?" You figured that they gave him some sort of response, since he hummed in response and walked back over to his chair. A few minutes after he stated that, the boys didn't come back inside. So you decided to put down your book and call the boys in. Once you went outside, you saw that the boys was chasing the tire. "Guys, wait up!" You yelled, while chasing after them. You chased them all the way to the town theater. Once you finally caught up with them, the tire rolled into the theater, causing you and the cups to run into the theater.

Just when all of you entered the theater, a spotlight appeared above Cuphead. "You! You're the next lucky contestant on Roll the Dice!" You heard King Dice exclaim. Cuphead then shrieked in happiness, hugged you, and then ran up onto the stage. You and Mugman just looked at each other in confusion, and sat down on two chairs. Once he made it to the stage, he hugged King Dices' leg tightly, causing King Dice to try and get him off of him. "Welcome to the show!" He smiled, leaning down to Cupheads' height, "Now, let go of my leg and tell us a little bit about yourself." When he said this, Cuphead let go of his leg and grabbed the microphone, "My name's Cuphead! I like rollercoasters, and hotdogs, and tilt the wirl, and hotdogs, and flying swings, and hotdogs, and throwing up in rollercoasters in that order." He stated this so fast, you couldn't even decipher what the heck he said. King Dice then took the mic from him and said, "What a lovely introduction, I." Cuphead then cut him off by grabbing the microphone again, "Wow! I can't believe I'm standin' next to THE King Dice!" He then somehow stretched up to his height, "You're WAY shorter in person!" His statement caused a few people in the crowd, including you and Mugman, to laugh. King Dice then snatched the mic from him again. "So," he started, but Cuphead cut him off again. "Wait, everyone in town can hear this right?" He asked. "That's right, now first," but before he could finish his sentence, Cuphead swiped the mic from him. He then blew a raspberry in it and pointed at the crowd. "That's for you Jimmy! And you know what for," he hollered at the crowd, causing you to turn your head to Mugman. "Who's Jimmy?" You asked. "I don't know, I think he's one of Cupheads' rivals," Mugman responded with a shrug. You just simply nodded in understandment and turned your head back to the front of the stage. "So Dice, you're an entertainer right? I'm kind of a entertainer too, I got a joke for ya," Cuphead stated. He then turned to face the crowd, "These two cannibals are eating a clown, and uh, wait how'd it go?" After he questioned himself, he zoned out. After a few minutes of him just thinking, King Dice snatched the mic from him, causing him to snap out of it. "And now a quick word from our sponsors," he said. He then winked at the crowd, "We'll be right back." Once he said this, he ran off the stage, resulting in Cuphead waving at the crowd, with a big smile plastered across his face. He did this for a couple of minutes before King Dice walked back on stage.

"And we're back!" He exclaimed through the microphone, causing the crowd of people to cheer. "First off, you need to" "Name that tune!" Cuphead finished his sentence for him by snatching the microphone from him. King Dice then took the microphone back from him and then  ordered the musicians to play a tune. Once the time was over, Cuphead smiled, "Oh that's too easy! It's," he then thought for a moment before giving his answer. "Sprinkle Sprinkle Mister Car?" He stated, but it sounded more like a question. His answer caused you to mentally face palm. 'Dude, are you serious?' You thought. You also thought, 'Well, maybe he'll figure it out.' "No," King Dice replied. "Well I better use my helpline," Cuphead stated. He then pointed a finger at the crowd. My brother Mugman is the smartest person I know, he bragged. Just when he said that, a spotlight appeared above Mugman, causing him to freeze up. "Well it appears your helpline is frozen in terror," King Dice stated, causing the crowd to 'aw.' "Oh right, Mugman has really bad stage fright," Cuphead recalled. He then pointed a finger at the crowd again, "Maybe y/n knows, she's also one of the smartest people I know." A spotlight then appeared above you, causing you to start stuttering. "I-Its, u-um," you managed to stutter out. "Well it seems like your girl is too shy to give out the answer," King Dice nonchalantly said. The moment he said this, Cuphead began to look at him weirdly, but once he looked back down at him, he stopped glaring at him and snapped his fingers, "Aw nuts, I guess I lose." He then began to walk off of the stage, before King Dice stopped him saying, "Since both of your helplines were pretty much frozen in terror, you should get another chance, shouldn't he folks?" The crowd replied with a bunch of cheers, while you on the other hand, was becoming a bit skeptical. 'Hmm, something doesn't seem right,' you thought, but you just shrugged it off. You then noticed that King Dice was whispering something in Cupheads' ear, causing you to be a bit more skeptical. King Dice then rushed over to the musicians and whispered something to them. He than ran back to Cuphead. "Ok Cuphead, name this tune," he spoke, signaling the musicians to play the tune. Once the tune was over, Cuphead looked up at King Dice in confusion, "But you just asked me my favorite song." "Which song?" He asked, leaning down to Cupheads' height. "The Daring Young Man and The Flying Trapeze?" He replied. "Correct!" King Dice exclaimed, causing the crowd to cheer. "And now to the" "Trivia round!" Cuphead interrupted again. "Isn't he great folks?" King Dice asked through gritted teeth, obviously annoyed. "Now, the dreaded Poo Doo cave monster lives in which cave?" He asked, causing the crowd to 'ooh' in curiosity while Cuphead was thinking. King Dice then rolled his eyes and stated, "The Poo Doo cave monster, let's just think out loud a little." He then whispered something to Cuphead again and Cuphead responded with, "Poo Doo?" Correct! King Dice exclaimed again, causing the crowd to cheer again, while you was becoming way more skeptical, because his 'answer' sounded more like a question. "Hmm, Mugman?" You asked, turning your head to Mugman but not looking directly at Mugman, "Something seems off about this whole thing." Hearing no response from him, you looked at Mugman and noticed that he was still in shock. Once you noticed this, you turned your head back to the front of the stage to keep observing what was happening. "Now time to Roll the Dice!" King Dice exclaimed while pushing Cuphead towards the dice. "Roll any number and you go straight to the mystery prize room, literally any number at all it's nearly impossible to lose," he explained to Cuphead. Cuphead then gasped and looked up at King Dice eagerly, "And than I'll get what's coming to me!" "Couldn't have said it better myself," King Dice smiled, almost like an evil smile. Cuphead then popped his muscles, preparing to roll the dice. But the moment he put his hands on the dice, he exclaimed, "Wait! I remember how the joke goes!" He then grabbed the mic from King Dice, causing him to let out a low growl. "These two cannibals are eatin' a clown ya see? Cause they're cannibals, and then one cannibal says to the other cannibal, does this taste funny to you?" The crowd, including you, then lightly laughed at his joke. "We'll be right back," he winked at the crowd, which you thought was cute. 'Wait, what?' You thought, blushing a bit at the thought. You then stopped blushing when you heard King Dice yell, "No! We are not going to break!" He then picked up Cuphead and placed him on the stand and started jumping up and down in anger, "Roll the Dice!" The crowd then started chanting, "Roll the Dice," causing Cuphead to state, "Watch this!" He then rolled the dice, but after he rolled them, the dice spun off the pole and then they somehow shattered. King Dice than ran over to the dices' shattered pieces and picked up the pieces, "How?" He softly asked. "Aw dang, I guess I lost," Cuphead simply shrugged. "That's actually a good thing when the dice shattered, you get to go directly into the mystery prize room yay! In you go," King Dice said, trying to force Cuphead inside the room. "Hey! He lost! He's not supposed to get a prize!" An elephant called him out. An elderly woman agreed with him stating, "This show is rigged!" Upon hearing this, the crowd was now booing at King Dice. He then told the crowd to shut up and continued to try and force Cuphead inside the room, only for Cuphead to say, "Rigged! Hmph!" He then proceeded to walk off of the stage and picked up Mugman and grabbed your hand, "Come on Mugsy, darlin', let's leave with our dignity intact." Just when y'all was about to exit the theater, the tire from earlier hit y'all and you all rolled all the way home.

Now at the doorstep of the house, Elder Kettle stomped out and yelled, "It's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!" He then stomped back in the house, leaving you three to look at each other in confusion. "Ok," Cuphead slowly said. He then turned to you two and asked, "Do y'all wanna play chess?" You and Mugman then exclaimed, "Yeah!" And walked into the house. "But, Cuphead here's the thing," you started, causing Cuphead to look at you in confusion. "I don't know how to play chess," you continued. After you stated this, Cuphead said, "Y'know darlin', I don't know how to play chess either."

Ok everyone, Episode 5 done! Hope y'all enjoy, and have a good day/night!

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