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You woke up with the sun directly in your eyes. You sat up in the bed and thought, 'Eh what am I doing here?' After about 5 minutes of recalling what happened yesterday, you said to yourself, "Oh yeah." With a relieving sigh, you sprung up from the bed and headed towards the bedroom door. As soon as you were about to open the door, you heard someone running down the stairs, causing you to jump back a bit. 'Was that one of the boys Elder Kettle was talking about?' You questioned in your mind. You also thought, 'What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm different?' With those dreaded thoughts now in your mind, you hesitantly opened the door.

You then walked down the Rickety staircase. Once you got to the bottom of the stairs, the sweet aroma of pancakes instantly hit your noise, forcing you to walk into the kitchen. When you walked in the kitchen, you saw Elder Kettle making pancakes. He turned around and saw you and said, "Oh my dear there you are, I was just about to call you down." "Uh Elder Kettle?" You heard a voice say, causing you to turn your head towards the direction that you heard the voice spoke. You then began to analyze two boys with cups for..heads? One had a red straw, the other had a blue straw. The one with the red straw was reading a comic grinning ear to ear, while the one straw was pointing at you with a confused look on his face. "Who's that?" He asked.

"Oh yeah", Elder Kettle cleared his throat. "Cuphead, Mugman, this is y/n," he said, pointing at you. "H-Hello," you meekly said, waving at the two boys. The boy than smiled and waved, "Oh well hello y/n, pleased to meet you, my name's Mugman and this is my brother, Cuphead." As soon as Mugman mentioned his name, Cuphead looked up from his comic. He then looked at you and started staring at you with his a little agape. Mugman took notice of this and started snapping his fingers, "Uh hello Inkwell to Cuphead?" Despite Mugmans calls, he continued to stare at you for 20 seconds, making you feel a little uneasy. He finally snapped out of it when Mugman scolded, "Cuphead it's rude to stare ya know?" Oh, uh, sorry y/n," he apologized, twiddling his thumbs. You accepted his apology and waited for the pancakes to be done cooking.

Once the pancakes were done cooking, Elder Kettle flipped them over towards you three. Cuphead was reading his comic, while holding up his plate. The pancakes ended up neatly stacked on his plate. You let out a small woah, and he smiled at you. But Mugman on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He lifted up his plate just like Cuphead did, but his pancakes ended up hitting the wall. Mugman looked down, displeased with himself. Cuphead noticed this and decided to split his pancakes with him. Mugman was joyous again, but once he gave him the syrup, he notice nothing was coming out of the bottle. He glared at Cuphead, while he ate his pancakes in one bite.

"Cuphead? Mugman?" Elder Kettle asked gaining their attention. "Yes Elder Kettle?" They both questioned in unison. "Today,
you two are in for a real treat!" "Really?" They asked with excitement clearly laced in their voice. "You get to paint the fence!" He said with an open mouth smile, holding up two paint buckets. Their excited faces then turned dull, and they both got up, put their plates in the sink, grabbed the paint buckets, and walked tiredly towards the door. Once you got done eating your pancakes, you asked Elder Kettle if you could help the boys paint, he then nodded and gave you a bucket.

When you got outside, you saw Cuphead lazily dipping his paintbrush into the paint can, while Mugman was actually painting the fence. You walked towards the left side of Cuphead and began painting the fence. "Geez, I guess we know what we're doing the rest of the day huh?" You heard Mugman groan to Cuphead. "Oh banana oil! Paint the fence! Milk the goat! Patch the roof! It's the same old stuff everyday!" Cuphead shouted, waving his hands and paint brush around. This caused him to accidently hit you in the eye. He then turned to you and apologized, "Oh sorry y/n I didn't noticed ya." "It's ok," you said, holding your eye. He then turned back to Mugman and said, "What we need is a little fun and adventure." "If we could only speed things up, maybe we'd still have time to squeeze in a little fun and adventure in the end," Mugman replied, wiping some paint off of his face. "Way ahead of ya pal," you heard Cuphead exclaim. You turned your head to see Cuphead pouring a can of paint in a cannon. "W-Wait isn't that a bit dangerous?" You questioned, worried of what might happen. "Ah don't worry y/n, it'll be fine," he replied waving a hand in dismissal. He then kicked the cannon, crouched down and covered his, uh, ears? And you did the same. "Hey boys how's that fenc." Boom! The paint from the cannon splashed on Elder Kettle covering him from head to toe, and the intensity of the cannon made the fence bend a bit.

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