Dirt nap

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You was awoken by a gentle knock on your door, causing you to open your eyes and sit up on your bed. "Come in," you groggily said, while rubbing your eyes. Once you said this, the person opened the door and that person was revealed to be Elder Kettle. "Oh, good morning Elder Kettle!" You smiled, causing him to smile. "Good morning dear, breakfast's ready," he softly said, causing you to get up from your bed and walk towards the bedroom door. While walking out of your room, you said, "Thank you Elder Kettle."

When you fully exited your room and walked down the stairs, you walked into the kitchen, and saw that breakfast wasn't on the table, but rather on the stovetop, so you walked over to the stove and picked up one of the three plates that had a serving of eggs and bacon on it. After you did this, you sat down on your chair and began to eat your breakfast.

While eating, you saw Elder Kettle enter the kitchen and saw that he looked a bit down. This caused you to ask him what was wrong, but he said that he was fine, making you become a bit skeptical at first, but you soon shrugged it off and continued to eat. About two minutes later, you heard Elder Kettle murmur something, causing you to look up from your food and look at him. You saw that he was using a pot to look at himself, making you raise a brow.

"Uh, Elder Kettle? Are you sure your ok?" You asked him, making him look at you, out down the pot and sigh. "Well, the boys said I was filthy and disgusting," he pouted, causing you to ask, "The cups?" Making him somberly nod. You was gonna ask him if he heard them wrong, but before you could, a bottle of spit n shine caught his attention. He then walked over to it, picked it up, and began to rub it all over his self, making you look at him in confusion for a second, but you soon looked back down at your food. 'The cups wouldn't say that...would they?' You thought and after you thought this, you heard footsteps walk into the kitchen, causing you to look up and see who it was.

Turns out, it was the cups, so you smiled at them. "Hey guys," you said, causing the cups to look at you and for Cuphead to say, "Hey d-" but before he could finish, a bright light cut him off, and this caused you to look at it for a second, but you quickly had to cover your eyes with your hands. "My eyeballs are on fire!" You heard Mugman shout, causing Cuphead to yell, "Why's it so bright!?" "Just your dear Elder Kettle looking his shiny best," you heard Elder Kettle state, making you uncover your eyes and see that he was now extremely shiny, and was holding up two plates with a wide grin on his face. He then walked over to the table while saying, "Not a single speck or smudge no siree." "Hope you love it," he smiled, while putting Mugman's plate on the table as Mugman sat down at the table, still shielding his eyes. "Hope it's in the like stage," he said, now in a distasteful tone, as he was putting Cuphead's plate on the table, while shooting Cuphead a glare, causing Cuphead to look at you in confusion.

"Uh what's with him?" He asked in a whispery voice. "Well," you started, but before you could finish, Elder Kettle cut you off by saying, "Get a load of this shine would ya?" Causing you to advert your gaze from Cuphead and to now look at Elder Kettle, and you saw that he was doing a pose. "I-" he started, before slipping on the bottle of spit n shine, making him fall and after he fell, he landed on top of a drawer, causing it to break and for a flower pot that was on top of the drawer, to fall on his head. After this happened he quickly jumped back up and reassured, "E-Everything's fine, still shiny," while letting out a small laugh. He then took the flower pot off of his head, and once he did this, the soil from the pot rained on him, making him cough. When this happened, you looked at him pitifully, while the cups just got up from their chairs, picked up their breakfast, and began to walk out of the kitchen.

"Thanks for breakfast," you heard Mugman say. "We'll see ya later Elder Kettle," Cuphead said, while Elder Kettle was wiping the soil off of him and sighing, and you began eating again. Once you finished eating, you put your plate in the sink, and walked towards Elder Kettle. "Well, that didn't go well," he sighed, now looking down at the flower pot, as you looked up at him concerned. He then looked down at you and murmured, "Wonder what else they're saying about me," causing you to softly smile and say, "Well that was a bit weird, but they're probably not talking about you." This caused him to smile back and say, "Yeah, you're probably right." "But just in case," he added, while eyeing the cupboard, causing you to raise a brow. After this happened, he walked to the cupboard, opened it, and grabbed a cup from inside of it, and after he did this, he walked out of the kitchen and began to walk up the stairs.

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