Sweater off dead

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It was about two in the morning when you was awoken by a loud scream, and it sounded like it came from the cup's room. So, deciding to find out who or what screamed, you got out of your bed, exited your room, sped-walked to the cup's bedroom door and barged into their room. "What happened, are y'all alright?" You hastily asked, looking around the room feverishly. "No y/n, we're fine," Mugman started, causing you to look over at the cup's bed and see that Cuphead was asleep while Mugman was sitting up from his bed, looking at you with slightly droopy eyes. "It's just that Cuphead gets nightmares from time to time," he continued while rubbing his eyes. Upon hearing this, you let out a relieving sigh and said, "Alright, well since everything's alright, I'm gonna go back to sleep." Once you finished saying this, you was about to exit their room, that was until Mugman quietly yelled 'Wait!' Causing you to look back at him in confusion. "Can you please wait on us downstairs? I think I've got a solution to Cuphead's nightmares," he politely asked, causing you to slightly nod. "Alright Mugman," you said. "Ok good, thanks," he softly smiled, causing you to smile back with another small nod. After this, you exited their room and walked downstairs.

Once you made it downstairs, you began to wait on the cup's. While waiting on them, you thought, 'I wonder why Mugman wants me to go with them,' just after you thought this, you heard another scream, making you jump in surprise but you soon relaxed when you remembered that it was probably just Cuphead and his nightmares. About fifteen minutes later, you saw that the cups was coming down the stairs, Mugman with a slightly determined look on his face and Cuphead with and annoyed/scared look on his face. Once they fully made it down the stairs, Mugman smiled, "All right y/n, are ya ready?" His question caused you to slightly nod. Uh Mugman, why'd you have to drag y/n into this? Cuphead asked him with a slightly raised brow, but he didn't respond. He then walked over to the front door and opened it for you and Cuphead. You and Cuphead just looked at each other in confusion and shrugged, and after this, you two walked out of the door. Once you and the cups made it outside, Mugman stomped over to the entrance of the woods, while you and Cuphead was still at the front door. Over to your right, you saw the pet goat and you saw that it was sleeping, so you decided to gently scratch it behind the ears. But when you bent down to its level, Cuphead quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you back up. After he did this, he grabbed your hand and started walking around the goat fearfully. Once y'all made it around the goat, y'all ran over to Mugman.

"Uh Mugman where are you takin' us?" You asked Mugman while walking. Oh you'll see, he smirked, looking back at you. After he said this, you just nodded and turned to Cuphead and you noticed that he was a bit upset about something, and though you didn't know what, you was going to find out. "Hey," you softly started, causing Cuphead to look at you. "What wrong?" You asked, causing him to take smile. "W-What! Nothin I'm fine," he lied, but you could tell he was lying so you gave him an 'are ya really?' Look, causing him to sigh and look down. "Ok fine, I had a nightmare that seemed a bit well... realistic in a way." "Realistic how?" You asked with a raised brow, waiting for Cuphead to respond. "W-Well the nightmare was happy at first, you, me, and Mugman waitin' at the kitchen table for breakfast, ya know like how we first met?" He said, looking up at you. You then nodded, gesturing for him to continue, so he continued. But this time, one of Mugman's pancakes was still on the wall, so he peeled it off, and once he did, a creepy..thing lifted him up with its tongue. Before he got eaten, he screamed, "Cuphead! Y/n! Save me!" And then he disappeared into the wall. We then screamed, Mugman! And began to hit the wall, tryin to get him back. I then turned back to Elder Kettle and hollered, "Elder Kettle Help!" But when he turned around, he was just a skeleton, shocking me and you. His skeleton than fell, and we ran both ran to him, picking up his bones in fright. Then the next thing I know is a portal opened up underneath your feet, trying to pull you under the floor, but before it could, I grabbed your hand and started to try and pull you up, but I soon failed at doing this. I than screamed, 'Y/n! No!' But you already gone. Then the goat from outside just bursted through the side window and asked, "Do you remember me?" And then I stuttered out, "Y-Yeah I think of y-you often g-goat from o-outside." But it wasn't the goat since it shape-shifted into the Devil and menacingly said, "Your soul is mine," and he devoured my soul." Once he was done explaining his nightmare, you was left slightly stunned and with eyes slightly wide. 'Wow that was uh..something,' you thought to yourself, before turning to Cuphead, whom still had his head down. You then wrapped your hand around his, making him look up at you. "Don't worry Cuppy, it was just a nightmare and the Devil ain't gonna hurt us," you smiled, gripping his hand tighter, causing him to smile back at you with a small blush on his face. "Hey lovebirds!" Mugman yelled, gaining you and Cuphead's attention. When you looked at Mugman, you noticed that he was pushing some shrubs away, and was looking back at you and Cuphead with a small smile on his face. "We're here," he said, motioning you and Cuphead over to him. You and Cuphead then walked over to him and looked through the shrubs, and you saw a blue light coming from a well-looking thing, causing you and Cuphead to 'woah' in amazement. "Alright, let's go," Mugman ordered, now starting to approach the well, while you and Cuphead followed behind him.

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