Ghosts ain't real

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You and the cups just got finished watching a scary movie, well a 'scary' movie. In your opinion, it was more silly than scary, but nevertheless it was a good movie. You all exited the theater, laughing. "Zombies are not as scary as I thought they'd be," Mugman stated, smiling at you and Cuphead. "I'm proud of ya Mugsy," Cuphead congratulated him, "You only had to change your pants three times!" "A new record," Mugman replied, still smiling. "Yep," you nodded. You then looked up at the sky and saw that it was getting dark. "Uh, it's gettin' a bit late ain't it?" You asked, now looking at Cuphead and Mugman with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, you're right y/n," Mugman stated. "Well, if we're gonna make it home before dark, we better take a short cut through the old creepy cemetery," Cuphead said, pointing at a cemetery. His statement caused you to instantly freeze up due to fright, while Mugman on the other hand simply said, "Nothin' scary about that, after a record breaker like me." Outta boy Mugsy, Cuphead smirked, nudging Mugman. They was now walking towards the cemetery, that was until they noticed that you wasn't behind/next to them, causing them to turn around. They then noticed that you wasn't moving, causing Cuphead to walk over to you. He then placed a hand on your shoulder. "Darlin', What's wrong?" He asked in a very soft tone of voice. "We-Well I-I'm j-just k-kinda s-s-scared to e-enter the c-cemetery," you stuttered out, receiving a hum in response. He then reassuringly stated, There's no need to be scared darlin', me and Mugman will protect ya. He then turned his head back to Mugman. "Right Mugman?" He asked, receiving a nod from Mugman. He then turned back to you and noticed that you was still trembling a bit. When he noticed this, he grasped your hand firmly and softly smiled, "Don't worry darling, we'll protect ya." Once he finished saying this, you nodded in understandment and all of y'all entered the cemetery.

While you was walking, you was looking around the cemetery intently, which you instantly regretted because now you're  more scared than you were before, so you decided to try to just look straight ahead. "Sure is a lot of tombstones," you heard Mugman state, receiving an "Uh-huh" from Cuphead. Just when Mugman finished saying this, you looked up at the sky and realized it was getting darker, causing you to become a bit more uneasy. "Wow, really start to get dark now," Cuphead spoke. "Some may find that unsettling but not me," Mugman replied. "Good thing we're both so brave," Cuphead said. When he said this, you noticed that he was holding your hand tighter. You also noticed that he was looking around feverishly. "I can't think of a time I've been less scared," you heard Mugman say. You then turned your head to him and noticed that he was also looking around feverishly. "Nothin' scary about a graveyard," Cuphead quickly stated, grasping your hand even tighter. "It's just a yard," Mugman replied. After he stated this, you couldn't understand what him or Cuphead was saying, because they was talking to fast. All of a sudden, lighting struck, causing you and the cups to shriek and run to a gate that allows you to exit the cemetery. But once you three got close to the gate, the gate slammed shut. Mugman then gasped and yelled, "Did you two see that!? It slammed shut out of nowhere!" "Ok let's just get a grip on ourselves, that was probably just the wind," Cuphead shrugged, trying to calm down Mugman. Though, that didn't work since Mugman shouted, "There was wind! What wind? I didn't feel any wind!" He then got up close to Cuphead and yelled, "No wind!" After he exclaimed that, he tried to open the gate but it wouldn't open. "Oh no, no, no,no! It won't budge! We're trapped!" He exclaimed, causing you to quietly gasp. "Relax, it just needs a little elbow grease," Cuphead replied. He than tried to open the gate, but he failed as well. "Hmm, stuck pretty good," he pointed out. "What are we gonna do!?" Mugman yelled, putting his hands on Cupheads' shoulders. "First we're gonna calm down," Cuphead calmly replied, removing Mugmans' hands off of his shoulders. "B-But C-Cuphead?" You started, causing Cuphead to look at you In confusion. "Wh-What about the g-ghosts?" You stuttered out. Mugman then nodded and added, "Yeah, what happens if they try to kill us?" "Oh banana oil," Cuphead spoke, waving a hand in dismissal. He then shrugged and stated, "Ghosts ain't real." "B-But C-Cuphead," you started again, but you then cut off your sentence when you looked up and saw three ghosts that was listening to y'alls conversation. As soon as they saw that you noticed them, they disappeared. "Uh g-guys?" You softly asked, trying to get Cuphead and/or Mugmans' attention, but they didn't hear you. Looks like we're stuck, Cuphead nonchalantly said with crossed arms. He then shrugged again and said, "Eh someone will open the gate in the mornin', 'til then we'll just spend the night and make the best of it." Once he finished stating this, he walked away so you followed him, trembling a bit. "Spend the night!" You heard Mugman exclaim, clearly shocked that Cuphead is very calm about this. "But what about the ghosts?" He asked Cuphead, but he didn't respond. "I-I don't like this Cuphead," he stammered out, running over to you and Cuphead, "I'm allergic to dead people." "For the last time Mugsy, ghosts ain't real," Cuphead smiled, making him sit down on a log. "Now you clear a spot, while me and y/n get some firewood," he ordered while walking over to the nearby forest. "We're separating!?" Mugman questioned. "Well do you wanna come with me and y/n to the deep dark woods," Cuphead asked, pointing at the woods. Is there a third, less terrifying option? Mugman meekly asked, causing Cuphead to sigh and walk over to him, "Look, don't worry it'll be just like the movie, you'll think you're gonna be scared, but then it won't be so bad, 'cause why?" "'Cause I'm a big, strong man?" Mugman questioned in a baby-ish voice, causing you to let out a small giggle. Well sure, but also because ghost ain't real, Cuphead finished. Once he was done saying this, you two was prepared to enter the forest. Mugman than mumbled something under his breath, causing Cuphead to respond with, "Just relax, we'll be back before ya know it." After this, you and Cuphead entered the scary woods. You two wasn't all the way in the woods, because you two could hear Mugman get spooked because of an owl. That was an owl, Cuphead pointed out, causing to you to giggle a little.

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