Sweater luck next time

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(Oh shoot! I forgot about that beach scene, so sorry)

It was now 8:00 A.M, only a couple of hours after you knitted that sweater for Cuphead (with the help of Mugman of course). While you was sleep, you thought you heard someone, or something getting electrocuted, waking you up for the first time that night, but you quickly assumed that it was part of your imagination, so you just went back to sleep. What woke you up this time was a soft knock on your bedroom door, making you sit up on your bed. "Hey y/n, are ya up yet?" A voice, which you instantly recognized as Cuphead softly asked, causing you to smile and say, "Yeah, I'm up, you can come in." After you said this, he entered your room, and started approaching your bed. "Heya darlin'," he smiled. "Hey Cuphead, what's up?" You asked, as he sat on your bed. "I just wanted to say, thank ya for knitting this sweater for me, ya really didn't have to," he said, causing you to lightly blush. "A-Aw, it was nothin really, I mean we are friends," you replied, waving a hand in dismissal. After you did this, Cuphead looked a bit upset for a split second, but he soon smiled and said, "Nah, I ain't gonna accept that, which is why me and Mugman are gonna buy you some new clothes." After he said this, he did some jazz hands, making you giggle. "W-Well gee, thanks Cuppy," you managed to say in between giggles. "You're welcome darlin'," he bashfully smiled, with a hint of blush on his face. After this, Elder Kettle yelled, "Kids! Breakfast is ready!" Causing him to run out of the room, making you shake your head with a small smile on your face, and get up from your bed. Once you did this, you exited your room, walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen. You then sat down on the chair between Cuphead and Mugman, as Elder Kettle handed y'all your pancakes. Once y'all finished eating, y'all put y'all's plates in the sink and walked to the front door. You was about to exit the house, when Elder Kettle asked where was you going, and Mugman told him that y'all was going to the clothes shop, causing Elder Kettle to just say be safe, making y'all nod your heads and exit the house.

You was all now talking about random things, when Cuphead said out of the blue, "Well, it's been a couple of hours and the Devil hasn't appeared yet, so I guess I could take my sweater off now," causing you to look at him with a slightly confused face, while Mugman was looking at him with a displeased look on his face. He then got extremely close to Cuphead and yelled, "You're wearing that sweater forever!" "But-" Cuphead started, but Mugman cut him off saying, "No buts! That sweater's the only way the Devil can't get your soul, you can never take it off, never!" After he finished saying this, Cuphead just shrugged and walked away from him. "Eh, I ain't too worried about it," he calmly said, but after he said this, the Devil appeared in front of you and the cups, causing Cuphead to scream. "Your soul is mine!" The Devil exclaimed, reaching out to try and get Cuphead's soul. But instead, he got electrocuted again, causing Mugman to say with crossed arms, "He's never takin' that sweater off." "Yeah, give it up!" Cuphead shouted, causing the Devil to yell, "Never!" And disappear, causing Cuphead to laugh triumphantly. After this happened, he looked at you and Mugman and smiled, Alright guys, let's continue walking, causing y'all to slowly nod, and continue walking and talking.

Once y'all made it to the store, the cups went to the boy's clothing section, while you went to the girls clothing section to see what caught your eye. Since you couldn't find nothing that was particular to you (other than this f/c dress that had real pearls on it, but it was too expensive), you decided to get a f/c t-shirt, f/c jeans, s/f/c shorts, f/c pajama set, two pairs of (color of choice) shoes, f/c coat, and (color of choice) jacket. After you chose your clothes, you went to search for the cups and eventually, you found them over at the boy's T-shirt section, and you saw that Mugman was showing Cuphead a green Hawaiian T-shirt and a light blue Hawaiian T-shirt. "Heya guys," you smiled, catching the cups attention. "Oh hey y/n," Mugman replied, doing a small wave. "Found everything ya lookin' for?" Cuphead asked, causing you to nod and say, "Yep, I got everything I need." "Well alright, after I show Cuphead these shirts, we'll be on our way," Mugman said, holding up the shirts again. "Alright, take your time," you said. "Ok so-" Mugman started, but he was soon cut off by a puff of smoke. Turns out, it was the Devil again, but this time, you and the cups just looked at him boredly. "Give me your soul!" He ordered, reaching for Cuphead again, but once his hand touched his sweater, it electrocuted him once again, causing him to face palm and disappear. Once he was gone, Mugman held up the green Hawaiian shirt and asked, "Ok, so do you like this one?" After he asked this, Cuphead put a hand to his chin and pondered for a second, and once he was done pondering, he shook his head, indicating a 'no.' This caused Mugman to hold up the light blue Hawaiian T-shirt, making Cuphead ponder again, but this time when he was done pondering, he said, "Yeah, that one looks way better." "Alright, I'll get this one then," Mugman smiled, while putting the green shirt back on the clothes rack. "Ok y/n, we're ready now," Mugman said, while turning to you, causing you to smile and say "Alright, let's go then." After you said this, y'all checked out all of y'all's clothes, exited the clothes store, and walked back home, and while walking, Mugman asked if he could stop and get a newspaper, so y'all stopped by the store, and he got a newspaper.

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