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It's been about a week since the whole stealing cookie fiasco, and since then, a lot has changed. You had to get used to the whole new prison thing, which wasn't that hard to get used to. All it was was a change of schedule. Though, the thing you couldn't get used to however was when some of the prisoners gave you menacing glares and your relationship with the cups. Their reactions were like fire and water ever since you told them that you were a thief. Cuphead wasn't really bothered that much since he thought that it was cool to have a friend that was a thief. Mugman however wasn't too glad to find out about the revelation. You knew this because he became a bit, wait no, a lot more distant. Like seriously, the boy barely talked to you now. Due to his reaction, you started to blame yourself for what happened and also began to think that he had begun to hate you. Who knew that stealing cookies would lead to all of this, right?

You were now just sitting in the bottom bunk of the bunk bed while holding your knees up to your chest as you looked at the dull, gray bedsheets with narrowed eyes. You soon heard someone play the harmonica in the cell next door to you. As they did this, you heard someone strike something against the cell wall. "We were tricked into breaking into that cookie factory," Mugman began with slight anger in his voice making you look up at the bunk above you. "This is what we get for listening to that Miss Chalice," he continued before throwing a piece of chalk at Cuphead, only for it to fall into his milk filled head. Cuphead soon turned around to face Mugman. He then took the piece of chalk out of his mouth and said, "I don't wanna hear about Chalice or cookies ever again." He then let go of the chalk as you slightly nodded your head. You were also mad at Chalice too, even though you thought that the cookie thing might've been an accident, at least be here for your friend. "I told you we shouldn't have hung out with her," Mugman stated. "No you didn't," Cuphead argued with furrowed brows. "I didn't?" He asked, seemingly a little shocked. "Well, that sounds like something I should've said."

"Yeah! Aren't you supposed to be the cautious one?" Cuphead questioned while pointing a finger at Mugman. "Oh, so now it's my fault that we're in prison?" "Pretty much," Cuphead nonchalantly replied as he looked up at Mugman in boredom. "Well, I honestly think it's y/n's fault that we're here, she should've told us that her 'friend' was a trespasser," Mugman said, anger evident in his voice. His statement caused you to look down at your bed in shame. In your mind, you thought that he had every right to be mad at you. You had no good excuse as to why you didn't tell them about you and Chalice's thievery. "Hey! Don't you blame y/n for this! She didn't know that Chalice was like that!" Cuphead fiercely defended causing you to weakly smile at him. You kind of admired how he tried to defend you. Mugman soon scoffed.

"Well, all I know is we have to get outta here," Cuphead said as he paced around the cell, "I'm going nuts!" "Yeah, plus Elder Kettle's glasses are probably ready by now," Mugman mumbled making you nod your head. After this, y'all heard a loud ding sound making y'all cover your ears (or in the cups cases, cups lol) in pain. Once the noise subsided, you guys uncovered y'all ears. The cell doors soon opened, which made you guys look at each other in confusion. "Alright, ya filthy rats!" A male police officer yelled through a red megaphone, "Time to eat!" Soon after this, he walked away sluggishly while a whole crowd of inmates exited their cells and made their way towards the mess hall. "Well, it's time to eat I guess," Mugman nonchalantly said as he exited the cell with his head down, leaving you and Cuphead alone. With a sigh, you got up from your bed and began to follow behind Mugman. Before you could leave however, Cuphead put a hand on your shoulder and walked next to you. "Try not to let Mugman get ya too down in the dumps, he's probably just stressed," he softly smiled causing you to feel a little better. "Alright," you said as you smiled back at him and with this, you two exited the cell.

Once y'all made it to the mess hall and grabbed y'all's food, y'all sat next to Mugman. "I'm scared Cuphead," Mugman said as he looked at Cuphead worriedly. You soon felt as if someone was burning a hole on the top of your head, so you looked up and saw one of the inmates giving you a cold, hard glare causing you to gasp. You soon nervously laughed as you began to scoot away from him. Though, after you did this, you soon bumped into another inmate making you look up and you saw that he was also giving you a cold hard glare. You soon gave out a small yelp and scooted away from him and soon bumped into another inmate. This time, said inmate was looking at someone with a worried expression on his face causing you to look up. When you did, you saw a giant lady staring down at him. She snapped her tray in half as if it were a toothpick causing the guy to look up at her sheepishly. She soon picked him up by his head and proceeded to beat the crap out of him making your jaw fling open. You and the cups then got up from the table and began to back away from it slowly.

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