The big reveal

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You soon looked back down at the cups in guilt and saw that they were still looking at you in shock. "W-Wait, you must be mistaken," Mugman stammered out in disbelief, eyes still wide. "Yeah, you guys got it all wrong, my darlin ain't a thief!" Cuphead shouted in a defensive tone with an angry expression on his face. This caused the police officers to look at him questionably. "Oh really?" One of the male officers asked with a raised brow. After he asked this, Cuphead looked as if he was about to say something, but before he could, a photo was shoved into his face. "Then why do we have photo graphic evidence of her stealing food that was submitted by the shopkeepers that she stole from?" The female police officer questioned, causing Mugman to let out a quiet gasp, while Cuphead simply shrugged

"Eh, that's probably someone that just looks like her," he stated nonchalantly, while looking up at the officers boredly. "A different human girl who lives in Inkwell Isles?" One of the male police officers questioned, making Cuphead's eyes go wide. "B-But y/n wouldn't steal, and if she did steal, I'm sure she'd have a good reason to," Cuphead denied. After he said this, he soon looked up at you, his angry expression softening. "Right?" He softly asked, causing you to advert your gaze from him and let out a quiet, "W-Well." "It doesn't matter, once a thief, always a thief!" The female officer barked, making your heart ache. Once she finished saying this, both of the male officers grabbed the cups by their shirts roughly. "And now, you all are under arrest," the female cop said, while narrowing her eyes at you and the cups. After this, the cops pulled out their handcuffs, and handcuffed you and the cups, while reading you your rights. Once they finished doing this, they walked all of you to the police car, and opened the car door so y'all could get in, which y'all did. After this, the male officers got inside the car and began to drive y'all to the police station.

On the way there, you looked at the cups, and saw that Cuphead was looking down at the floor, while Mugman was looking out of the window dejectedly. Since it was an awkward silence, you decided to break the ice, so you sighed and said, "I'm sorry guys," gaining Cuphead's attention. "I should've told y'all that I was a thief sooner," you said, your voice laced in sorrow and worry. "Hey, it's alright, it's not your fault and besides, thieves are pretty cool," Cuphead said, while smiling weakly at you. His smile managed to make you feel a bit better about yourself. Then again, Cuphead almost always makes you feel better. You soon smiled back at him, making him smile wider. After this, he turned to look at Mugman. "Right Mugman?" He asked him, but Mugman just continued to look outside the window, most likely ignoring him. "Mugman!" Cuphead quietly hissed as he jabbed his side, causing Mugman to look at him with wide eyes. Before turning to face the window again, he narrowed his eyes at you and let out an annoyed 'mhm' in the process, making you look down in guilt.

His attitude made you hope that he wasn't mad at you. I mean, surely he knew that incident was just an accident right? You didn't mean for you and the cups to get caught, and you were sorta sure that Chalice didn't mean to too, so yeah, perhaps he was probably mad at something else. But who's to say he's even mad? He's probably just annoyed with you because you got him and Cuphead tied up with the authorities. Or because you didn't tell him that you was a low life thief. Just even thinking thoughts like these made you teary-eyed, making you scold yourself. After that, you tried your hardest not to think those terrible thoughts and you just thought that Mugman was annoyed at Cuphead or something. Besides, if he were mad at you, he wouldn't be mad for too long...right?

Yeah, sorry if this chapter was too short, but now it's on to season 2, which is going to be exciting! So I'll see y'all soon, and have a good day/night!

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