Chapter 1 - Without You

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"No, but you'll come back with them," He spoke softly before warmth engulfed you and everything faded away.


It had been a year. One long year for the Pevensie children. One year since they so desperately tried to get back to Narnia to retrieve you but didn't succeed.

Up until a year ago they had always taken you for granted and not really realized how much you meant to them since you were always there. And they missed you. They missed you greatly. Every single one of them.

When they asked their mum about you, checking if she still remembered you, she did - thank goodness. But she had her own version of where you were. According to her, you died in the bombing along with your mother. And it hurt her that even now, when her children were about to start another year in school, they missed you.

The four Mrs. Pevensie was so worried about sat at the train station after a fight Peter got into was broken up. "You're welcome," Edmund spoke since he had went to help his brother.

Peter looked at him offendedly. "I had it sorted." He stood up to face his siblings. Out of all four, it could be seen that he missed ruling over Narnia the most. Susan had made peace with being in England and the two youngest... They missed you.

"What was it this time?" Susan asked, sounding annoyed with the fact that Peter had gotten into a fight. Again.

"He bumped me," Peter said. If you were there you would've rolled your eyes. That was a stupid reason to pick a fight.

"So you hit him?" Lucy asked. You would've deemed Lucy's question rather reasonable.

"No," Peter denied. "After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him."

"Really? Is it that hard just to walk away?" Susan asked. You would've agreed with Susan - after all, accidents happen and socially anxious and cocky people act the same way when it comes to apologizing. Who knew which type the guy was?

"I shouldn't have to!" Peter exclaimed. "I mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"

"We are kids," Edmund pointed out.

"Well, I wasn't always." Peter forgot that all of them grew up and had lives in Narnia. You would've noticed that. But you weren't there. "It's been a year," he said gravely. "How long does He expect us to wait?"

"I think it's time to accept that we live here," Susan reasoned. "It's no use pretending any different." When her siblings still seemed to disagree, she sighed and used the strongest word-weapon she had. "Y/n would agree with me." Quite frankly, you probably wouldn't.

Edmund looked up. You were a touchy subject to him, being the only one to believe in him and entirely be there for him while the others weren't. He had tried to ignore that you ever existed to numb the pain but Susan just had to bring it up, didn't she? "I don't think she would," Edmund argued. He knew that you knew that their place was in Narnia. That your place was, at least. But to Edmund, he only ever felt truly at home in Narnia. Where he was a King, along with you and his siblings.

Susan rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Pretend you're talking to me."

Edmund was actually getting annoyed now. "We are talking to you."

Susan gave him a look. "OW!" Lucy yelped, standing up.

"Quiet, Lu," Susan scolded.

"Something pinched me!" Lucy defended.

"Hey, stop pulling!" Peter exclaimed, also standing up. His gaze was accusingly directed at Edmund.

"I'm not touching you!" the latter argued.

"Look, would all of you just-" Susan was cut off by paper flying through the air. If you were there, you would've known what it was since the moment it arrived. Susan didn't. "What is that?"

"It feels like magic," Lucy smiled.

"Quick, everyone hold hands," Susan commanded.

"I'm not holding your hand!" Edmund denied loudly, looking at the train that was speeding past them.

Next thing they knew, they found themselves in a cave and slowly made their way out. The girls look at each other mischievously before taking off towards the water, the boys quick to follow them and so, all of them were splashing around in the water until Edmund had a very reasonable question to ask. "Where do you suppose we are?"

"Well, where do you think?" Peter asked through laughter.

"Well, I don't remember any ruins in Narnia." Edmund's siblings found that idea quite interesting also and they ventured up the hill into the ruins.

It was peaceful there. Waves washing to the shore had fallen into the background noise category. Lucy went to look at the sea, as you and her often would at Cair Paravel during the Golden Age of Narnia. "Wonder who lived here," she thought out loud.

Susan picked something up from the ground on her way to Lucy and inspected it for a moment. "I think we did."

"Hey, that's mine," Edmund said, him and Peter coming to stand near the girls. "From my chess set."

"Which chess set?" Peter asked.

Edmund scoffed. "I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?" he sassed, taking the piece from Susan.

Lucy cast a look around. "Can't be," she whispered. The four ran to where the thrones used to be. "Don't you see?" she asked, somewhat excited if you tell by her voice.

"What?" Peter asked.

It took Lucy a moment to make each one of them stand in front of where their thrones should be. "Imagine walls," she spoke. "And columns, there," she gestured to far in front of Susan. "And a glass roof."

All of them could see it now. It was Cair Paravel. But a feeling grew in Edmund's gut and his eyes trailed to the empty spot between the boys and the girls. "She's gone," his voice cracked and tears pricked his eyes. That moment, a piece of everyone's hearts could be heard shattering. "All we knew is gone."

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