Chapter 10 - Keep Smiling

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You knew the statement was aimed at you so you turned around fully, Edmund only looking over his shoulder to make sure you were alright. He knew you would be, he trusted you enough for that. He just wanted to make sure. "Don't worry," you spoke with a polite smile. "I know when it's not my time to interfere."


"It went surprisingly well. With you being there and all," Edmund chuckled as you and him walked through the hall, going to give the message to the others.

"Oh, please," you scoffed. "I'm not an idiot."

"I know but I supposed Miraz would be," he shrugged.

You huffed a laugh before entering the room with the Stone Table, turning the attention of Caspian, his professor, Trumpkin, Reepicheep and Peter to you and Edmund. "We're in," you grinned.

"When?" Peter asked, looking at you and Edmund.

"Tomorrow, midday," the latter answered without hesitation. "Looks like you should have an early lunch, Pete."

The older boy chuckled along with everyone else in the room. "Guess so," he grinned.


You, Peter and Edmund walked out of the How. Edmund and you a few steps behind Peter, Edmund carrying his brother's sword and you being there for both moral support and due to the fact that you were High Queen.

The Narnians cheered but so did the Telmarines. It made your stomach turn a bit. No matter how many times you saw and were in battles, you still didn't like violence. But it was your duty to be there for your people. They depended on you and the other rulers to keep them safe.

You three arrived next to where the battle was to be and Glenstorm, the chief of the centaurs, turned around solemnly to face Miraz, who was sitting on a chair, and a few of his lords with him.

Miraz stood up and Edmund offered Peter his sword. The latter drew it out of its sheath with a swift motion, you giving a solemn and encouraging nod to him from the other side of Edmund. You knew he was scared. It was an undeniable talent of yours to sense people's emotions even if they were really good at hiding them.

But Peter wasn't scared of the battle. He was scared for his people. Especially since the Telmarines weren't going to keep their word too likely and all of you knew that.

Miraz, now also wearing a helmet and holding a sword and a shield, stepped onto the battle ground first. Peter didn't wait too long to do so either.

"There's still time to surrender," Miraz' voice said, sounding a bit vibrating through the helmet. In your opinion, he looked rather ridiculous - the proportions of the Telmarine armor were quite off.

"Well, feel free," Peter countered, changing the way he was walking since Miraz was drawing rather near.

"How many more must die for the throne?" Miraz asked.

Peter Pevensie of Finchley, a King of Narnia - High King Peter the Magnificent, to be exact -, Emperor of the Lone Islands, Lord of Cair Paravel, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion - titled Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane-, knew what he was doing. It wasn't his first duel. It might've been first in this age but it wasn't the first overall. So, naturally, he had quite comebacks. A fine example being what he said next.

"Just one," he said firmly, pulling down the lid of his helmet. A moment later, the swords clashed, the sun reflecting off of the armory of both men. You took note that the Telmarine colors were beautiful. But it still didn't change your mind about the proportions.

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