Chapter 8 - Plan

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Caspian and Reepicheep stormed into the room. "You may want to see this," Caspian said, eyes widening at the sight of you. You nodded a greeting to him before all of you walked out of the room, you only having slight balance problems by now since anything else had faded away.


You, along with some others, stood outside the How on a step, Narnians also gathering on the ground to see the Telmarine army nearing.

You analyzed the situation. They had armor better than yours. They had more men than you. They had catapults. In summary, they had the upper hand. You sighed. "What do we do now?"

"I have an idea," Lucy said, turning all of your attention to her. "I think it'll work."


"Kites and kettledrums, that's your next big plan?" Trumpkin asked seriously. "Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!"

"It's our only chance," Peter argued, looking at the dwarf over the table. Not the Stone Table, no. Another one.

"And she won't be alone," Susan assured. You had wanted to go with Lucy to retrieve Your Father but it was collectively decided it would be smart to keep you here.

You looked from your seat beside Edmund as Trumpkin walked up to Lucy. "Haven't enough of us almost died already?" he asked.

"Nikarbrik was my friend too," Trufflehunter, the badger, spoke up. "But he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't. And neither have I." You pursed your lips sadly, knowing what you had missed while being away. You only wished you were there to prevent it. But one can't save everybody.

"For Aslan," Reepicheep spoke solemnly, drawing his sword.

"For Aslan," a bear agreed.

Trumpkin then wanted to go with Lucy and Susan but Lucy convinced him to stay. "We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back," Peter backed his sister up.

"Not to be pessimistic but how do you suppose we'll do that?" you asked. You had always been the optimistic one, hence your title - the Lightful -, but this situation didn't seem light enough for that. You still tried to smile. "Maybe we could postpone the start of the battle? That would be best."

"If I may," Caspian spoke at that idea, standing up from the step he was sitting on with his professor, "Miraz maybe a tyrant and a murderer. But as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that can buy us some time."

You raised an interested brow, listening as he explained further about the duel. "I can go with the letter," you offered.

"No," Edmund denied it right away. "You just escaped their prisons, they'd probably kill you right then and there."

You raised an unamused brow at him. "Really?" you asked. "I can handle myself just fine."

"Please, Y/n," Edmund said, the rest of the people in the room letting him handle the situation since then there were the best chances of you actually listening. "We've almost lost you two times now. I can't go through that again. None of us can."

You still stared at him stubbornly. "Please, Y/n," Lucy stepped in, making puppy eyes at you.

You sighed, looking away. "After all these years you'd expect that trick to get old... Can't I just come?" you pleaded. "You'll do the talking, I'll just... stay somewhere. I want to see how it goes."

Edmund looked to Peter, him being the High King. The eldest sighed. "I really hope what you're doing, Y/n. If this doesn't go well-"

"I know what happens if this doesn't go well, Peter," you gave him a tight-lipped smile. "And you know I wouldn't go if it risked lives."

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