Chapter 11 - Betrayal

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You had to turn right away though to offer Peter his helmet. He shook his head, denying your wordless offer. You saw how Miraz also denied his helmet before the two sprung into battle again. You rolled your eyes at Miraz' actions. "Oh how chivalrous," you muttered under your breath. Edmund next to you exhaled sharply, laughing for an instance. It made you smile. The worst thing to happen during battle was losing yourself in doubts and worries.


Shield against shield, a few sword hits here and there. That's how the current minute of the battle had been going so far. Both fighters kept crying out as they struck. And Peter was, once again, knocked off of his feet.

Miraz went striking at him and he barely blocked it, using the next moment where Miraz was regaining his breath to swipe the older's legs from under him and then strike back. Miraz rolled away and both of them got to their feet, not waiting to clash together once again.

A hopeful feeling started to brew in your chest as you watched Miraz' sword fly out of his hand and Peter striking repeatedly on his enemy's shield so the latter didn't quite have the time to strike back.

Yet, the feeling was drowned by a sharp breath you took in as Miraz maneuvered his body so Peter's sword went in between his arm and body, giving the older one the possibility to disarm the younger one, also.

With no regret showing on his face, Miraz started repeatedly hitting Peter with his shield, turning the situation around. You bit your lip anxiously. This was not good. Especially since Peter had lost his shield at some point.

But the young king managed to catch the opponent's shield, making Narnians cheer. It now seemed as if the two were trying to push each other down, putting all their body weight onto the shield from both sides.

Unsurprisingly, Miraz seemed to be winning until Peter turned his body so the shield went behind Miraz' back, twisting his arm with him. Miraz cried out in pain but jabbed Peter in the face with his elbow, making the boy lose hold of the shield.

Miraz threw Peter into a rock and you heard Edmund draw in a sharp worried breath as Miraz turned around, picking up his sword. Your fingers snaked around Edmund's wrist, giving comfort to both you and him.

For an instance, it seemed as if everything was over until Peter managed to dodge the hit, Miraz' sword clashing into the rock instead of his neck. Miraz struck again and this time Peter blocked with the armor on his arms, the blade of the sword a little distance from his face. But he took the chance and stood up straighter, hitting Miraz in the face with said armor and then punching his injured knee.

You smirked lightly. Mightn't have been the fairest play but it was still common to use the enemy's injury. Miraz lowered his body to the ground with groans of pain and Peter stood above him. He clearly could've ended it within a few seconds now. But he didn't, which made his brother speak up. "Now's not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund called and you grasped his wrist a bit tighter, also worried about the situation.

Miraz lowered his head, accepting his fate but Peter only took a step away and let his fist come down to his side. He turned around to walk back to you but Miraz glared at his back, reached for his sword and attacked again. "Look out!" both you and Edmund called, making Peter aware of the attack and he dodged it, then twisted Miraz' sword out of his hand and stabbed him in the armpit where armor wasn't covering.

The older man's knees buckled once again and he sank down to the ground. Peter stared him down, the sword ready to make the world rid of a soul. "What's the matter, Boy?" Miraz asked since Peter still hesitated. "Too cowardly to take a life?"

You turned your gaze downwards and lightly squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the death of Miraz to come since you knew that Peter was never afraid to do what's right. You heard a sigh and curiosity got the best of you when you looked up again. "It's not mine to take," Peter spat out.

You smiled a bit and looked at Caspian. He looked at you and then back to Peter, getting the message you were giving him with your eyes and Peter with the sword he was holding out. He stepped forward, taking the sword from the boy slightly older than him.

Caspian slowly raised the sword after Peter walked away from the field of battle. Though he had a firm and trained hold on the sword, his hands were shaking. You saw how Miraz' mouth moved, as if he was speaking quietly which you assumed he was.

Caspian screamed at his uncle and raised the sword again and your eyes immediately cast downwards as a reflex. Of course, you had been in battles and duels and stabbed quite a few people yourself but you were never one to watch as light of being alive faded from one's eyes. You heard the sword clash into something and you winced slightly, your eyes squeezing shut even more.

You felt a grip on your right hand. "It's alright," Edmund said quietly, only for you to hear, "you can open your eyes."

You hesitated for a fraction of a second and then slowly looked up to see the sword in the ground in between Caspian and Miraz. "Keep your life," Caspian spoke lowly, almost inaudibly just as the conversations before him had been. "But I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom."

The Narnians cheered as he turned around and walked back to you, Glenstorm proudly raising his sword as a symbol of victory. Your mouth twisted to a smile. "Thank you," you told Caspian softly before glancing back at the Narnians, taking note of their happy faces. "You have no idea how much it matters." You looked down. "And I'm sorry I wasn't here all those years. I can't help but feel I could've done more."

"Yet you're still there for those who need it and don't let the guilt swallow you," Caspian spoke, making you look up. He was looking down at you with a kind smile and so were Peter and Edmund.

The younger Pevensie brother pulled you into a hug. "I can't believe you held it in that long," he chuckled. "But Caspian's right. And as Aslan once told all of us - there's no need to speak about what's past."

You and Peter smiled at Edmund's words, remembering the day Edmund got back after being deceived by the White Witch. You opened your mouth, about to make an optimistic but funny remark as one does but you were cut off by a groan.

It was Miraz, one of Susan's arrows sticking out from under his armor. You immediately clicked together the puzzle pieces - there was no way Susan could've shot that in that angle. "Treachery! They shot him! They murdered our king!" the lord, who obviously did it himself yelled, taking the sword from the ground.

"Be ready!" Peter called to the Narnians and you cast a worried look around.

"Peter!" Caspian yelled, warning him because a soldier had now taken Miraz' helmet and charged at him. Peter quickly ended him and then turned back to tell you, Caspian, Glenstorm and a bear, to go. You swallowed hard, casting another quick look around before hauling yourself on a horse behind Caspian. It was plan B time.

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