Chapter 9 - Proposal

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"I know what happens if this doesn't go well, Peter," you gave him a tight-lipped smile. "And you know I wouldn't go if it risked lives."


You stood a few steps behind Edmund as he read Peter's letter to the telmarine upper-heads, your back straight, your feet a bit apart and your hands bent behind your back like you had done many times before during the Narnian golden age in situations exactly like this. It was usual for Edmund to do the talking because you, as a woman, weren't taken as seriously. But you were there to back him up, as High Queen.

"Tell me, Prince Edmund," Miraz started as Edmund was rolling up the parchment.

"King," the boy corrected rather casually. Of course, it had happened before.

"Pardon me?" Miraz asked.

"It's King Edmund, actually," the boy explained, putting a bit of an emphasis on the 'king'. "Just 'king', though. Peter's the High King." You fought hard to keep a straight face. No matter how many times it happened, it was still funny. "I know, it's confusing."

Miraz looked to the Lord on his right before answering. "Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies would wipe you out by nightfall?"

You pursed your lips slightly, hoping that there was still a slim chance of them accepting. Otherwise, a lot of blood would be spilt. "Haven't you already underestimated our numbers?" Edmund asked, making a fairly good point though you knew the 'numbers' couldn't be much underestimated any more. "I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct."

"And so you will be again," Miraz spoke coldly.

"When then you should have little to fear," Edmund said, making Miraz laugh. You frowned slightly at his reaction.

"This is not a question of bravery," Miraz denied.

Of course, Edmund had been in this encounter before, too, and had an answer ready. "So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?"

"I didn't say I refused," Miraz spoke, leaning forward.

"I'm sure your colleagues would support you either way," you spoke up.

A lord seemed to agree with you and the one right of Miraz spoke up. "Sire, our military advantage alone provides us a perfect excuse to avoid what might otherwise be-"

"I'm not avoiding anything," Miraz gritted, standing up and drawing his sword.

"I was merely pointing out that my Lord is well within his right to refuse," the Lord defended.

"His Majesty would never refuse," another man spoke up from near the door. "He relishes the chance to show the people the courage of their New King." Something wasn't right here. It seemed as if they, as in the two Lords, or the General, wanted Miraz dead.

"You," Miraz pointed his sword to Edmund. "You should hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen."

After that, the time of the duel was agreed on and you and Edmund turned to go to your colleagues but were stopped by Miraz once again. "And should any of you perform any magic tricks..."

You knew the statement was aimed at you so you turned around fully, Edmund only looking over his shoulder to make sure you were alright. He knew you would be, he trusted you enough for that. He just wanted to make sure. "Don't worry," you spoke with a polite smile. "I know when it's not my time to interfere."

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