Chapter 13 - Aftermath

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Your Father let out a loud roar and the river ran dry, all of the water gathering to form a huge man. The man swallowed Lord Sopespian whole and just like that, the traitor was gone.


In the span of a minute after that, the Telmarines surrendered. As you were sure you weren't going to fight anymore, you conjured yourself gloves out of your light and put them on. You made them with a special ingredient, also known as feeling or thought, one that would repel from any metal. You weren't going to take any chances with weapons, you had problems with controlling your emotions and magic as it was.

"C'mon!" Peter called cheerily and all of you started trudging through the river. You felt dread grow in your chest with every step you took. You feared Your Father would be disappointed in you.

When you reached the other shore, you kneeled down. Not only you but Susan, Peter, Edmund and Caspian too, of course. "Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia," Your Father spoke. For a second, you hesitated, your heart not wanting to accept the title anymore. Yet, you still stood but did not dare to look up.

"All of you." Caspian, whom had remained kneeling, looked up.

"I do not think I am ready," the young man admitted.

"It's for that very reason that I know you are," Your Father spoke. Caspian hesitantly stood.

Then, His, as in Your Father's, eyes landed on you, specifically on the gloves on your hands that were clasped together in front of you. "Why are you afraid?" He asked nonchalantly.

"I'm sorry," you said after swallowing the lump in your throat. It was getting a bit hard to hide your tears. "I- I didn't mean to. It just-"

"You're forgiven, My Daughter," He spoke comfortingly. "Anger and fear are just as important as any other emotions. Although I hope you'll learn to handle them in another way."

You bit your lip, tears welling up in your eyes as you smiled. "Thank You." He gave you a smile. You noticed the others' gazes on you and Edmund on your left gave you a side hug. You leaned your head on his shoulder, smiling softly. But you still kept your gloves on - just for now.

What sounded like bagpipes came from behind you all and your head left Edmund's shoulder to look back. Reepicheep, gravely injured from the battle, was carried on a stretcher by his people. Lucy immediately sprung forward, using her healing juice to save the warrior's life.

A few seconds later, Reepicheep slowly leaned himself up. "Oh!" he panted. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

A mouse of his helped him stand up and then he noticed whom you were accompanied with. "Oh!" he gasped again. "Hail Aslan! It is a great honor to be in-" As the mouse bowed, he stumbled forward since he had lost his tail.

"Oh!" he gasped for the third time. "I'm completely out of countenance! I must crave Your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion."

You looked down to hide your grin. Reepicheep was funny sometimes, even if he didn't intend to be. The other rulers of Narnia seemed rather amused as well. "Perhaps a drop more?" the mouse in question asked Lucy.

"I don't think it does that," the girl said regretfully.

"You could have a go," Reepicheep said, still hopeful.

Aslan chuckled. "It becomes you well, Small One."

"All the same, Great King. I regret that I must withdraw, for a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse," Reepicheep spoke again, offering Aslan his sword. You, Edmund, Susan, Peter and Caspian exchanged glances. As little as Reepicheep might've been, it would've been a great loss to the military.

"Perhaps you think too much of your honor, Friend," Your Father pointed out.

"Well, it's not just the honor," Reepicheep reasoned, "It's also great for balance. And climbing. And grabbing things!" None of you were hiding your grins anymore.

"Will it please your High Majesty," another mouse spoke up, holding his tail and drawing his sword. "We will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief."

So all mice are noble, you thought, good to know.

Aslan chuckled once again. "Not for the sake of your dignity but for the love of your people," He spoke and Reepicheep's tail grew back in front of your very eyes.

"Look!" the mouse showed it to everyone before bowing. "Thank You! Thank You, My Liege. I will treasure it always. From this day forward it will serve as a reminder of my huge humility!" he declared proudly.

All the mice sheathed their swords and Your Father spoke again. "Now, where is this Dear Little Friend you've told me so much about?" All of your gazes turned to Trumpkin who was making sure the Telmarines abandoned their weapons in a pile. He slowly turned and walked a few steps before kneeling before Your Father like all of you had done some minutes prior.

Aslan let out a mighty roar and Trumpkin flinched back for a second but didn't run. Grins came to all of your faces and Lucy spoke. "Do you see Him now?" The glances Trumpkin sent at Aslan after he opened his eyes told you the answer. He did see Him now.

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