Chapter 6 - Escape

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You saw Peter look back at you conflictedly but you gave him a nod to go. There was still a card up your sleeve. And from what you knew of Miraz, you would have the perfect chance to use it.


You were thrown in a cell, and so were all the others that were alive, as per Miraz' order - he wanted public execution tomorrow so everyone could see what happens to those who believe in Narnia. The real Narnia. You heard the gate clank shut behind you and you turned around, straightening up your back and tilting your chin upwards proudly, staring down the man opposite you.

"Y'know, if you switched sides now, I'm sure you could live."

You stared at him, not blinking.

"I could give you a place in my apartement, of course, Miraz would probably sell you to be a slave if he let you live but I could own you."

You narrowed your eyes, staring into the helmet where the man's eyes should be. "I'm not an item. And with all due respect - there's none due, by the way - I'd rather die." You gave him a sugar-coated smile, stepping closer to the bars. He reached his hand through, punching you hard. But you still stood proud despite the stinging pain on your cheek and nose. You were pretty sure both were bleeding since the man was armored. He scoffed and walked away, leaving you to go and sit down, waiting for the time you could fulfill your plan.


You didn't know how many hours had passed but the time came. The time when the guards were supposed to switch. They were handing each other the keys when you suddenly extended your arm, a golden whip shooting out of it and knocking all four men unconscious. You carefully retrieved the keys before fastly helping yourself out. Then you went to the Narnians, who were put in 3 separate cells. You were given your own so you couldn't plot anything.

"Shh, quiet now," you shushed their murmurs, letting everyone out. "We have about 10 minutes before someone realizes something is wrong," you whispered, still making sure all Narnians heard you. "So you have to do what I say very quickly. Stand in a circle around me and hold hands. If needed, make many circles but all people must be connected." Although confused, the Narnians put their full trust in you and completed the task. [Like the Frozen 2 Na-na-na song]

"You," you said to the young centaur that was one end of the long-circle-y- line. "Hold on to my shoulders. And whatever happens, none of you can let go, understood?" You looked around seriously, getting solemn nods. "Good," you smiled. "Now..." You trailed off, emitting golden fog out of your hands. You had only tried this on yourself before so you hoped it would work with that big of a crowd.

The mist circled around you all, starting to close in and you all felt like all your body parts were being squished, your vision fading from black to golden to white to black again in an neverending chain.

Yet, it ended and you panted for air. All of you were now standing next to the big-grassy-steppy mountain, Aslan's How, as you learned it was called. "Is everyone here?" you asked with a strained voice, immediately realizing how big of a toll it took on you to teleport all of you. But as you received nods and positive answers, you realized it was worth it. "Yay," you celebrated quietly. "Let's go in, everyone, I'm sure they'll be delighted to see us. You can let go now, by the way."

You took a step but stumbled immediately, the boy centaur catching you. "I'll help you, Your Majesty," he said kindly.

"Thank you, err, what's your name?" you asked, leaning a hand over his back for support as you walked around the How, heading for the entrance.

"It's Hypnetes, Your Majesty."

You mentally sighed at the difficulty of centaurs' names but smiled at him nonetheless. "Thank you, Hypnetes."

You entered the darkness of the first tunnel before being met by the torches of the big room. Amazed gasps rang throughout the room and you saw how Hypnetes searched for his parents with his eyes and found them. "May I...," he started.

You smiled. "Of course, go ahead." He nodded at you gratefully before running off. You leant against a wall, your ears ringing, your heart pounding in your ears, heat rising to your face and vision starting to haze. Yet, being the High Queen, you grew used to showing a brave face to everyone so you pulled yourself together and walked through the reuniting crowd, ignoring all your pain.

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