Chapter 15 - This Isn't Goodbye

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"Yeah," you agreed, appearing happier than you were. "Me too."


You were currently walking with Your Father in an archway, Susan and Peter with you. As you expected would happen, He was informing you that your time was up. Completely, for Susan and Peter. You, Edmund and Lucy would come back. Or so it seemed from what Your Father was saying.

From the corner of your eye, you spotted Caspian, about to turn away since he seemed to notice he might've been interrupting a moment. Aslan seemed to notice him, too, since He spoke up. ""Your Majesty?"

For a moment, you saw as Your Father glanced between Susan and Caspian who were holding eye contact, His mouth moving for a second in a frowning motion. "We are ready," Caspian spoke, drawing your attention to him again. "Everyone has assembled."


"Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as it does to man," Caspian began his speech and you looked around at all the people and the tree on the edge of both the cliff and the castle. "Any Telmarines who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to. But for any of you who wish, Aslan will turn you to the home of our forefathers."

His speaking was firm, like a true leader. You swallowed. It was hard to know that you had to leave Narnia again with a chance you wouldn't even return to the same age. You took a step closer to Lucy on your right, enjoying the closeness of your friends for the last few minutes.

Well, Edmund and Lucy didn't know you all had to go, yet. But you did and if they couldn't make sure to make the most of the time, you would.

"It's been generations since we left Telmar," someone from the front of the crowd pointed out.

"We're not referring to Telmar," Aslan explained. "Your ancestors were seafaring brigands..."

How ironic, you thought, tuning yourself out for a second. Taking as they now are afraid of sailing and water and haven't got a single ship. Much less anything like the galleys we had in the Golden Age.

"The same world as our Kings and Queens," Aslan finished the explanation. You quickly clicked it together that Telmarines came from the world the Pevensies did. And you, too, in a way. "It is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start."

Murmuring washed through the crowd and you, the Pevensies, and Caspian, too, looked at each other, some questions in everyone's eyes. "I'll go," General Glozelle spoke. "I will accept the offer." Caspian bowed slightly to the man as a thanks and the man returned it.

"So will we," Caspian's aunt spoke, referring to herself and Caspian's baby cousin. And, as it turned out, the elder man with her. You assumed it was a relative of some sort.

"Because you have spoken first, your future in that world shall be good," Aslan spoke before he breathed on them. But the breath seemed to reach the tree, too, as it now twisted to reveal a gate of some sort.

The four went through and disappeared. The crowd exploded with murmurs. Caspian, too, seemed surprised. But you and the Pevensies weren't as flabbergasted, because, well, you had seen a lot in your lives.

"How do we know he's not leading us to our death?!" a man yelled angrily from the crowd. Without a second thought, Reepicheep stepped forth and offered to take himself and his mice through.

"We'll go," Peter spoke up, stepping forward.

"Me too," you added quickly. Not too quickly but still.

"We will?" Edmund asked.

"Come on, our time's up," Peter spoke quietly. He sounded somewhat sad and yet, he was calm. "After all, we're not needed here anymore." He handed his sword to Caspian, who took it solemnly.

"I will look after it until you return," Caspian promised.

"I'm afraid that's just it," Susan spoke up. "We're not coming back."

"We're not?" Lucy asked shakily. You stepped closer to the group to put a hand on her shoulder and waited for Peter, as their older brother, to explain.

"You two are," Peter spoke. "At least I think he means you two. And Y/n."

"But why?" Lucy asked sadly. "Did they do something wrong?"

"Quite the opposite, Dear One," Aslan explained. "But all things have their time. Your brother and sister have learned what they can from this world. Now it's time for them to live in their own."

"It's alright, Lu," Peter assured when she still looked conflicted. "It's not how I thought it would be... but it's alright. One day you'll see, too. Come on."

And you all went to say your goodbyes. But when you finished all the noble warriors first since you had started first, you felt Your Father's gaze on you. You turned and saw one question in His eyes. Are you ready?

As ready as I can be, you thought before giving Him a nod. He breathed on you and you felt warm tingle in your legs as you went to hug Him goodbye. But you couldn't hug him for long as you felt the tingle move upwards and had to quickly move on to Caspian. "Look after Narnia well, Caspian," you reminded, giving him a hug.

"I will," he promised and let you move on to Susan and Peter.

Sparkles started to float up in around you and you realized your body was slowly fading away, all the way up to your knee by now. "Bye, Peter. Bye, Susan," you hugged them tightly. "Thank you for being my older brother and my older sister. Make your parents feel loved."

Then you leaned to Lucy's level although the sparkles had entirely swallowed your legs by now. She sobbed as she hugged you. "It's alright, this isn't goodbye," you spoke quietly, holding back your own tears. "It's just 'see you later'." You wiped her tears away and she gave you a rapid nod before you had to move on to Edmund.

You and him both pursed your lips, not able to say anything as you wrapped your arms around one another, cherishing the moment. "I'll see you, Ed," you muttered into his shoulder before the fogging reached your head and just like that, your entire body, that had been changing into a light golden glow, exploded into tiny golden sparkles and flew away.

Edmund swallowed a lump in his throat and blinked his tears away before taking a few quick steps to catch up with Lucy. Then he, along with his siblings, found themselves back at the train station. In their old clothes but with new experiences to carry with them throughout life.


BOOK 2 IS DONE WOOOOOO~! Don't know about you guys but I almost cried :D Anyway, the date of today is 17th May, 2022 and I'm super excited for book 3, honestly.

I hope you are too and if you aren't, I hope you found some joy in this book.

And remember, this isn't a goodbye. It's simply 'see you later' <3]

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