Chapter 12 - The Real Battle

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"Peter!" Caspian yelled, warning him because a soldier had now taken Miraz' helmet and charged at him. Peter quickly ended him and then turned back to tell you, Caspian, Glenstorm and a bear, to go. You swallowed hard, casting another quick look around before hauling yourself on a horse behind Caspian. It was plan B time.


The opposite army started attacking and after a moment, Peter turned back and looked at you, Caspian and Glenstorm who had been waiting for that said signal. Caspian turned the horse around and quickly ran back to the How where your true numbers were waiting.

You hopped off of his horse and went to your own, getting on its back at lighting speed, just before Caspian gave the orders to charge and all of you entered the tunnels under the ground.

"One, two," you began counting, "three, four," all sorts of thoughts and memories flashed through your mind, "five, six, " you remembered how Edmund always won a chess game, "seven," how Lucy and you would braid each other's hair, "eight," how the princes Susan denied always asked to marry you next, "nine," how you won countless battles and the smiles on the Narnian's faces each time.

"Now!" you yelled, making the bigger creatures smash the columns holding the ground up. You saw cracks of light forming above you and dust falling off the ceiling before the ceiling itself fell in, killing many of the Telmarines.

You knew that at the next moment, the archers of Narnia would fire a rain of arrows and kill the ones that somehow survived. But that was up to Susan to make sure of. You had to ride on so you could complete stage two of plan B.

You exited the ground and began fighting the Telmarines now in between the two Narnian lines. Unfortunately for you, the army there was just a fraction of the entire thing. So just when you thought it was beginning to go well, you noticed the rest of the army start to march towards you. You cast glances at your fellow rulers, waiting for someone to make a call.

Peter seemed to have an eye-conversation with Susan before he yelled out: "Back to the How!"

You didn't hesitate, immediately directing your horse to go. However, your escape was cut off by catapults. Now there was no other way than fighting your way out.

As the How crumbled, Susan slipped off of where she was standing. Your eyes widened but Trumpkin caught her and slowly lowered her to a rock. Now that you were sure she was okay, you had time to look around. The enemy's army had surrounded you.

You swallowed hard before making your decision. "Alright," you muttered before charging straight into battle but not before casting one last look at your friends, dare I say family. You gave them all a nod and they, too, charged into battle only a few steps behind you.

You got a familiar sense of adrenaline surging through you as your heart started pounding faster with every step you took. Then your sword clashed with another one. The man had a shield so you were at a slight disadvantage but did your best in fighting him, still. You jumped as he aimed for your legs and put the edge of your sword under the chin of his helmet, throwing it off of his head. He ran into you with his shield, knocking you off of your feet but you rolled away and took the chance to stab the back of his knee because the Telmarine armor didn't cover the knees. You had noticed that while watching the duel.

His leg gave out and his body fell, which you dodged, yet he wasn't going down without a fight. He pushed up his hand with the sword and you blocked the blade just barely. You felt bad. More specifically, you felt like you were a cat toying with its prey. So you decided to end it. With a swift motion, you turned your sword around in your hand and hit him in the head with its hilt, knowing it would leave him there and unconscious.

After making sure no one was charging at you as of the moment, you crouched down and took the man's shield. You knew you'd need it, after all.

Someone lunged at you from behind and all the air was knocked out of your lungs. You groaned, rolling yourself to your back, just for a sword to connect with the shield that was now in front of you. "Looky who we have here," the soldier in front of you said.

You recognized the voice immediately. It was the same man who had tried to convince you to switch sides when you were captured. Your eyes narrowed. "It's a pity that such a pretty girl like you has to fight a war," he said. You gritted your teeth a bit, standing up slowly while keeping a defensive stance. It was definitely weird that he wasn't attacking you. "You could fit for a housewife way better and I'm sure my son would take a liking for you," the man spoke again.

Your jaw hung low. Was he really trying to convince you to marry his son in the middle of a battle? But then it arrived to you. He was trying to convince you to marry his son. He saw you as a pretty and delicate flower only good for raising kids and being a housewife.

You seethed with anger, your hand finding a dagger on your thigh. "Sorry, Sir," you spat, stabbing the unexpecting man and then watching as he fell to the ground. "This flower is poisonous." Then you kicked the man for good measure before leaving him there, under the feet of every other fighter. As weird as it was to say for you, he deserved it.

You were grumbling under your breath, pouring your anger out on any unfortunate Telmarine that got in your way. Really?! you thought to yourself, searching for another soul that could be hurting the Narnians. Your family. You found one.

You yelled as you charged at the man who was currently attacking Hypnetes - the boy centaur who had helped you during the escape. When you struck, you told Hypnetes to go. Mostly because you cared for him but partly because you didn't want him to see what happened next. "I'm! Not! An! Item!" you, raged, finally letting your bottled up emotions loose. Honestly, it was about time since you had them bubbling inside you ever since about the middle of the Golden Age. You hit the man with your sword at every word. "I'm not someone you can just sell off to!" Another hit. "I'm not someone you have to constantly worry about! I belong to myself!" You knocked the man to the ground, his mask off and his face now heavily bruised.

You stepped back, gasping as you realized what you had done. Everything slowed around you as you stared at the man, life leaving his eyes. A sob escaped your throat and your knees buckled lightly and yet, you didn't let yourself fall to the ground. What have I done? you thought, taking a step back.

You wanted to run. Your heart was filled with fear for the ones around you. You had just lashed out on another living creature and it... it terrified you. You looked at your hands, afraid of what you were capable of. I'm a monster, you thought. He- he wasn't even at fault... You swallowed hard, silencing another sob.

You were about to fulfill your wish of running away when a tree passed you. You felt conflicted. On one end, you were happy the trees were back and logically, so was Your Father. But then again, how could you face Him after what you had just done? How could you face anyone?

"Y/n! Y/n, come on!" you heard Susan called.

Your tear-pricked eyes looked around before they found the source. She was standing quite near you, actually. It seemed as if she was waiting, along with the other rulers. "Yeah, coming," you said quietly, sure your voice didn't even reach them. You dropped the shield and jogged over to them while sheathing your sword and dagger. You weren't risking with using those again.

You could feel all of them cast a worried look to you but no one had the time to stop since you had to reach the Telmarines again. Which you did. They had stopped on the riverbank. When you went through the crowd you noticed why.

Lucy was on the other end of the bridge, her dagger unsheathed. Then Your Father appeared. You cast your eyes downwards in shame. But the Telmarines took their chances and charged into the water.

Your Father let out a loud roar and the river ran dry, all of the water gathering to form a huge man. The man swallowed Lord Sopespian whole and just like that, the traitor was gone.

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