Chapter 4 - Reunite

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The faun gave a nod to you as he came out and passed you. "Thanks for not killing me," you whispered with an awkward smile before also walking onwards, having to take a few turns before you stepped into the lit up room, facing many creatures at once.


"Err, surprise?" you asked, biting your tongue to refrain from laughing with joy.

Many jaws hung open while some seemed to not recognize you. But Lucy certainly did. "Y/n!" she exclaimed, throwing herself at you to hug you. "You're alive!"

"Of course, I am," you chuckled. "What did you expect?"

Lucy took a step back, about to say something when another familiar pair of arms wrapped themselves around you. "Hello, Ed," you patted his back. "I missed you, too."

"We thought you were dead," his voice cracked and you knew he was keeping himself from crying.

"I-" Then something dawned on you and you had to pull back. "How long has it been here?"

"A thousand years," Susan admitted, her and Peter also coming over to give you a hug.

"Glad to have you back," Peter spoke before gesturing to the boy their age. "This is Prince Caspian. His uncle took the throne."

"So I suppose that's the reason you're cooked up in a mountain?" you asked, shaking Caspian's hand who nodded at your comment. "Pleasure to meet you by the way."

"Likewise," he said, letting go of your hand.

Peter took charge again and clapped. "Now that everyone's really here, let's start with the plan." Lucy went back to sit on, what you figured was the Stone Table, and you joined Edmund in leaning against a column. "Miraz' men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle."

"Is Miraz the crazy uncle?" you whisper-asked Edmund. He nodded as a response, a grin on his face as to how you had decided to word your question.

"What do you suppose we do, Your Majesty?" a mouse asked.

Then the most awkward thing happened. Peter and Caspian spoke at the same time. You should've expected it - Peter was still hungry for the power while Caspian was the one who was supposed to have it. So, logically, you took the matters into your own hands. "I suppose we should think properly before we dive head-in into a surprise attack that will probably have half of us killed," you said, a sarcastically sweet smile on your face since you knew that was exactly Peter's plan. "Of course, it has worked plenty of times before but their fighting and defense techniques have probably evolved since we were gone," you reasoned.

"Besides, no one has ever taken that castle," Caspian backed you up, giving you a grateful smile for speaking up before him and Peter broke into an argument. It was the last thing they needed at the moment.

Of course, they did the last thing they needed at the moment. And Peter was the one to kick it off. "There's always a first time."

"We'll have the element of surprise," a dwarf said, holding to Peter's side. You sighed. This wasn't going to end well.

"But we have the advantage here," Caspian argued.

"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely," Susan had picked her side. You nudged Edmund with your shoulder, a grin on your face as you nodded to Susan and Caspian, hinting at how they were looking at each other.

"I, for one, feel safer underground," a badger spoke.

"Oh, geez," you muttered. Why did so many different creatures feel the need to butt into this thing? Of course, they were equal to humans, you weren't denying that. But there was no way this was going to end well with Peter being that irritated. "How much time do we have?" you asked, making all in the room look at you. "I mean, making a decision in this state of mind most probably doesn't end up being the right one."

Peter rolled his eyes. You didn't take it personally. He was irritated. For what reason, you chose to not dwell on. "Look, I appreciate what you've done here," Peter spoke, turning to Caspian. "But this isn't a fortress, it's a tomb." You looked around and started to slowly see his point.

"Yes. And if they're smart the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out," Edmund added.

"We could collect nuts," a squirrel spoke.

He had a point there but a big mouse clearly didn't see it. "Yes, and throw them at the Telmarines. Shut up!" He turned back to the humans in the room. "I think you know where I stand, Sire."

"If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter asked a centaur after a bit of thinking.

"Or die trying, My Liege." The centaur seemed to hesitate before answering.

"That's what I'm worried about," Lucy spoke up.

Finally! Thank you, Lucy! you celebrated in your head, giving an approving nod to the girl.

"Sorry?" Peter asked, turning to his sister

"You're all acting like there's only two options," she explained, "dying here, or dying there."

"I'm not sure you've been listening," Peter sighed, going back to his habit of treating Lucy like a child.

"No, you're not listening," Lucy argued, "or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?"

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough," Peter declared before walking out of the room.

You sighed, the room filing empty until only you, Edmund, Susan, Lucy and Caspian were left. "We're all gonna die," you smiled sweetly, standing up.

"Y/n-" Edmund started.

You cut him off. "I know there's another way. There has to be."

"Aslan?" Susan asked. "How?"

"Well, how do you think I got here?" you snapped. You had been in Narnia for less than a day and it was already going really bad. "And how am I still the same age as you if I didn't come with you to England?" The room stayed silent. "Exactly. And... I'm sorry for yelling. I just didn't see a way to get it through your thick skulls without it."

You muttered the last part but Edmund beside you still heard it and snorted before pulling you into a side hug. "Oh, how I've missed you. I've grown, by the way. You're shorter than me."

You grimaced, freeing yourself from his hold before sighing. "We should go. If there's no way to change this mission then we must do our best to succeed with it." You left the room, following the lights until you found someone to ask about armor from.

They all looked after you before Caspian turned to the others in the room. "She's scary," he shivered.

"Tell me about it," Edmund muttered. Since he was your best friend, he was also the one to get into fights with you most often. "And she didn't even use her magic," he added. The girls agreed, nodding their heads before all of them, too, went to get ready for the battle.

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