Chapter 5 - A Supposed-To-Be Surprise Attack On The Telmarine Castle

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"Tell me about it," Edmund muttered. Since he was your best friend, he was also the one to get into fights with you most often. "And she didn't even use her magic," he added. The girls agreed, nodding their heads before all of them, too, went to get ready for the battle.


In the darkness of the night you were carried by a griffin towards the Telmarin castle after seeing Edmund's signal. You, Peter, Susan, Caspian and Trumpkin were dropped down at a bridge-thing so you could handle the guards there.

You climbed down the side of the tower, clinging onto the rope. This was supposed to be where Caspian's Professor resides. When you got in, he wasn't there. His room-office was completely thrashed, his glasses on the table. It reminded you of the time when you all came to Narnia and went to see Mr. Tumnus. Despite being such a long time ago, you remembered every bit of it like it was yesterday.

"I have to find him." Caspian's quiet voice broke you out of your thoughts.

"You don't have time," Peter denied. At least he was sticking to his stupid, suicide-mission-type-of, plan. "You need to get the gate open."

"You wouldn't be here without him," Caspian argued. "And neither would I."

"Alright, let's get him but make it quick," you sighed, going towards the door. "We don't have time for arguing."

"You and I can deal with Miraz," Susan told Peter.

"Yay, we have a plan," you said from the door, sarcastic happiness in your voice. "Don't get me wrong, it's good that we do. But we have a few minute window. We miss it, we're ants under a boot." ["We only got about a 10-second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield."]

"What's that mean?" Caspian asked.

"It means we'll die," you explained shortly, before peaking your head into the hallway. "All clear."

You two hurried through the, luckily empty, hallways and down to dungeons, Caspian taking a key from the wall and opening the cell. If it could be called that. He went in and shook the Professor awake while you kept watch. "Five more minutes?" he asked, probably referencing something that happened before he got to the Narnians.

"We don't have the minutes, Caspian," you whispered. "We have one, tops. I can hear someone coming."

The guard rounded the corner and you knocked him out. "Alright we might have more than one now." The boy you were talking to rushed past you and up the stairs again. "Caspian?" you asked, glancing at the professor before also speeding up the stairs.

In a corridor, you got lost for a second before you caught a glimpse of Peter and Susan. You rushed after them. "Caspian ran off to somewhere and that might be a problem," you informed them swiftly, slightly out of breath.

Peter gave a nod before you all heard a female voice from behind a door you just passed. "Put your sword down, Caspian. I don't want to do this."

"We don't want you to, either," Susan said, barging in and aiming an arrow at the woman.

"This used to be a private room," Miraz said, putting his hands on his hips. If the situation wasn't that serious, you would've found it funny.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked Caspian angrily. "You're supposed to be at the gate house!"

"No!" Caspian yelled, his hand that held the sword shaking with both rage and the fact that he had been holding it up for long. "Tonight for once, I want the truth. Did you kill my father?" Caspian took a step towards Miraz threateningly, making him back up.

"Now we get to it," the older man nodded.

"You said your brother died in his sleep," the woman on the bed said.

"That was more or less true," Miraz admitted coldly.

Next events went down too quickly for you to process anything. Yet, what you could process was the fact that Caspian now had an arrow in his shoulder and the woman, supposedly Caspian's aunt through marriage, was letting out a long, pained scream while laying down on the bed. Caspian's uncle himself got away.

Bells rang through the entire castle, signaling that your enemies had noticed your presence. And it only went downhill from there. Peter refused to call off the attack and ushered all of you outside to open the gate for your troops. "I can still do this!" he assured.

You narrowed your eyes. Who exactly are you trying to prove yourself to, Peter?

Yet, you had no other choice than helping him open the gate and then, everyone charged into battle. "For Narnia!" Peter yelled, drawing his sword, right before charging to battle himself.

You unseathed your sword, a feeling in your gut telling you not to expose your magic just yet. You stabbed a man behind you and then the one on your side, stopping him from attacking Susan. A man charged at you from the front, having you fight with him head on. It resulted in your sword flying out of your hand since you also had to dodge an attack from behind and that took your focus off the man in front.

The men seemed victorious and both charged at you, obviously not seeing each other, and you ducked out of the way so they bumped into each other, the hard helmets clashing together in a way that made them both pass out.

You went to grab your sword but another Telmarine soldier appeared and pushed it away with his foot. You scoffed in annoyance and grabbed a dagger from one of your thighs. "Bring it on, Big Man," you narrowed your eyes, pointing the dagger at him. He seemed rather amused. Little did he know, dagger was your best weapon. Hence, you beat him with ease.

You finally got to breathe, no men charging at you as of the moment when Peter finally did something reasonable. "Fall back!" he called. Only then did you notice that only a minotaur was keeping you all from being trapped.

But as a good ruler, you decided you would help all of your people out of the bad mission, even if you were against the mission from the start. "Go! Go!" you called, running to the back of the courtyard to a little centaur and running with him towards the front, inviting more Narnians to come with you along the way. When you got there, the gate closed.

You saw Peter look back at you conflictedly but you gave him a nod to go. There was still a card up your sleeve. And from what you knew of Miraz, you would have the perfect chance to use it.

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