Chapter 3 - Big Grassy Mountain-Thing

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Though Peter and Trumpkin were having a conversation, Edmund and Lucy's thoughts were elsewhere. They seemed to be having the same thought. If you disappeared, it doesn't necessarily mean that you died. And that gave them a new glimmer of hope. Hope of maybe, just maybe, seeing you again.


Your back hit the soft grass and your eyes fluttered open. You saw woods. Narnian woods, you were sure of it. A presence appeared beside you and you sat up, knowing who it was right off the bat. "Father," you smiled.

"Hello, Y/n," he said solemnly as you buried your face in his mane while hugging him.

"I feel smaller," you commented.

"I made it so you're the same age as your friends. Like you were," he spoke calmly.

"Thank you," you grinned. "Are they back then? What's going on? Why are the trees so still?"

"Your questions will be answered," Your Father answered. "But for now, you have to go and find your friends, you're safe with them."

"What do you mean? Am I not safe with you?" you asked.

"I'm afraid I can't stay here just yet. But we'll meet again," he assured.

You nodded. "Alright."

"Now go," you cast a look around the woods. "Follow your compass."

When you looked back to where he was, he wasn't there. You nodded determinedly, ready to not disappoint. "The compass," you muttered and fumbled it open. "Mhm," you hummed to yourself, realizing the general direction. Then you reached for your spyglass, which, as a pleasant surprise, was still there. "Where are they staying?" you mumbled, the spyglass showed you a big grassy mountain-thing.

Weird, you shrugged. I don't remember that existing. But at the same time... I don't know how long it has been.


You got to the edge of the woods, the big grassy mountain-thing appearing right in front of you. But you saw no entrance. With a sigh, you started making your way around it. "Put your hands up and don't move," a voice spoke.

You jumped, your heart rate picking up out of surprise but you did what you were told anyway. You searched for the owner of the voice and found a faun, aiming at you with a bow and arrow from a step? in the mountain. "Geez," you muttered to yourself before raising your voice. "I come in peace, Sir. And I wish to speak to High King Peter."

The faun seemed to wonder about it for a moment before nodding and hopping down to a rock and then down to the ground. "Alright. Follow me."

He went inside the mountain through a smaller door and guided you through a maze of empty and narrow tunnels. He came to a stop. "Wait here," he said before walking to a room. "Your Majesties. There's someone who wishes to speak to High King Peter."

"Thank you, Frank. Let them in and you may go back to your position," an unfamiliar voice said.

The faun gave a nod to you as he came out and passed you. "Thanks for not killing me," you whispered with an awkward smile before also walking onwards, having to take a few turns before you stepped into the lit up room, facing many creatures at once. 

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