Chapter 14 - King Caspian X

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Aslan let out a mighty roar and Trumpkin flinched back for a second but didn't run. Grins came to all of your faces and Lucy spoke. "Do you see Him now?" The glances Trumpkin sent at Aslan after he opened his eyes told you the answer. He did see Him now.


You were sitting on the bed of your guest room in the castle, fiddling with the gloves you had made for yourself. You were wearing a blue dress with white sleeves and collar and golden straps on your sleeves, waist and start of the collar. The dress was paired with shoe-boot-things, also blue.

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[Sorta like these pictures I found on Pinterest: 

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You knew your gloves wouldn't fit with the outfit but they also helped to restrain your magic a bit since your hands weren't free so you were debating wearing them to the coronation of Caspian. Also the reason you were so dressed up.

"Hey," you heard Edmund say from the door. You had left it open a bit - something you were used to since Cair Paravel. Open door signaled people could come in, closed door the opposite. You found it a bit more comfortable than the knocking system.

"Hey," you answered dully, letting the gloves fall on your lap.

Footsteps neared you and Edmund stopped near you. You looked up to him. "May I?" he asked, gesturing to the bed. You nodded wordlessly. You heard him sigh. "Do you want to talk about it?"

You pursed your lips. "I killed a man," you then confessed quietly. "I saw how life left his eyes. I felt so bad." Edmund stayed silent - the best way to get someone to talk. "He wasn't even at fault," you bit your lip. "I just poured my anger out on him and," you felt a lump in your throat and leaned your head on your hands. "I killed him, Ed."

He pulled you into a side hug. It was comforting. "What made you so angry?" he asked.

You swallowed before looking up at him. There was no sign of judgment on his face. Only understanding and curiosity. "You remember how a man hit me when we were captured?" He nodded. "Well, he hit me because I refused to switch sides and become a slave or a maid or whatever. Then I saw him again at the battle and he started to talk about me marrying his son," you scoffed. "He saw me as a weak girl who couldn't take care of herself."

"What did you say?" Edmund asked.

You chuckled at the moment. "I knocked him down and said that if I'm a flower then I'm poisonous."

Edmund grinned proudly. "Learning from the best, I see."

"But then I killed the man who was fighting Hypnetes," you sighed, "I feel rather bad."

"You can't change anything now though, can you?" Edmund pointed out. "It might've not been right but it was a human reaction to your emotions. The best you can do is learn from it."

You snorted, nudging him with your elbow. "When'd you come so wise?"

"A thousand years in one does that to a person," he chuckled, standing up and lending you a hand. "C'mon now. We can't be late."

For a second, you looked back to your lap where the gloves were. The next second, they dispersed and you stood up, taking Edmund's hand with a smile. He smiled back at you, proud of your choice. To make sure you knew that, he squeezed your hand slightly as you moved out of the room and closed the door behind you.


The throne room was lined with both Narnians and Telmarines and Doctor Cornelius was to be the one to place his father's crown on Caspian's head. The soon-to-be-king himself was standing behind Aslan while the latter spoke to the crowd. "For a time of peace, I give you King Caspian, the Tenth."

The crowd clapped and you stepped forward from your place beside the Pevensies, holding a pillow with the crown on it. Doctor Cornelius took it and Caspian bowed his head forward before the old man placed it on his head elegantly. You and the Pevensies all gave him proud smiles when he looked up.

Then, you turned to the crowd and cheered. "Long live King Caspian!" The crowd joined you instantly and some were even throwing their hats in the air as they yelled their congratulations.


All five of you rode down the streets on horses, the people cheering. It looked like they accepted Caspian as their King rather quickly and gladly which made you happy because then there wasn't a good chance of the crowd protesting and starting yet another war.

You watched from your place between Edmund and Lucy as the Telmarines waved to Narnians, the majority of them happy about their existence. You smiled. "It's beautiful," you told no one in particular. "How they seem to get along even without talking."

"I know," Lucy said quietly. "I wish we could stay here forever." As she said that... it hit you. It hit you that you probably weren't going to stay here for too long anymore since the reason you were called was solved.

"Yeah," you agreed, appearing happier than you were. "Me too."

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