Chapter 7 - Brilliant

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You smiled. "Of course, go ahead." He nodded at you gratefully before running off. You leant against a wall, your ears ringing, your heart pounding in your ears, heat rising to your face and vision starting to haze. Yet, being the High Queen, you grew used to showing a brave face to everyone so you walked through the reuniting crowd, ignoring all your pain.


You assumed the other kings and queens, plus Caspian, would be in the room with the Stone Table, since that's where they spent most of their time to plan, so that's where you started to walk to. Or if they weren't, it would be the best place to meet them at. You rounded the first corner in the tunnel, getting out of the sight of the Narnians, and let out a breath of relief, closing your eyes for a brief second.

Then your knees buckled and your whole side leant against the wall. "Oh, Your Majesty!" a voice called. You found the source of the voice rather quickly. It was the mouse.

"Hello...," you trailed off, still not knowing his name.

"Reepicheep, Your Majesty, I apologize I haven't had the moment to properly introduce myself earlier," he bowed. "It's great to know You're back. I never doubted You, by the way. I always believed you had a secret trick."

You smiled lightly. "Well, Reepicheep, can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course," he nodded.

"Could you please fetch Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and Caspian? And maybe his professor and Trumpkin too?" you asked. You didn't exactly have a reason but you figured you had to plan anyway.

"Of course, where shall I bring them?" Reepicheep asked.

"The room with the Stone Table. And don't say anything about me, just say it's urgent. Oh, and, make sure one of them has some water," you instructed, wanting to keep it a secret that you were back for now. You figured they'd be happier to find out themselves since they could've thought someone was deceiving them if they didn't and that would've resulted in another conflict. The mouse bowed once again and left.

"Just a bit more," you muttered, knowing full well that you probably had only a few more minutes before your vision would get doubled and you wouldn't be able to walk at all anymore. So, trudging through the pain, you made it to the room with the Stone Table.

You breathed out shakily, lowering yourself to the ground slowly and leaning your head back on the side of the table. Your vision hazed even more, now doubling and you felt your throat running dry. You knew you couldn't get up anymore, even if you wanted to.

"What's the matter, Reep?" the familiar voice of Lucy asked, from somewhere pretty near, you realized, although it sounded fairly far to you due to the ringing and white noise in your ears.

"You'll see," Reepicheep's voice answered. Now you could also hear footsteps nearing and turned your head so you could somewhat see the entrance. A second later, four figures of different sizes and shapes entered the room. The Pevensies. Reepicheep bowed and left, probably going to get Caspian.

"Oh my goodness," an oh-so-familiar voice gasped and a figure bolted forward. You saw one of the figures raise its arms to its mouth in shock.

"Hey, Ed," you said quietly, your voice hoarse.

"Here," he said, supporting your head and giving you a bottle. "It's water."

You drank it carefully, immediately starting to feel better. "Thanks."

Now that he knew you were better, he crushed you in a hug. "I thought we really lost you this time. How'd you get away?"

You patted his back. "Yeah, well, have you ever wondered how I got to meetings without starting to prepare myself in time?"

He pulled back and you noticed that the others had come nearer too, looking at you with wonder. "I have actually," Lucy said, also pulling you into a hug. Then she gasped. "You can teleport, can't you?"

"Bingo," you chuckled lightly. A horn sounded through the air, it signaled dawn. You pulled yourself up from the ground, Edmund immediately coming to your side to support you. "But we need a plan. Miraz must know we're gone by now."

Peter and Susan nodded, also coming to pat you on the back. "I don't think I would be surprised if you lived through the end of the world at this point," Peter commented, making you laugh.

"Let's not go that far," you grinned, reaching your hand up to your face and touching the bruises. "Oh, bloody!" you cursed. "Literally," you added after a moment. "Didn't think he hit me that hard."

"Who hit you?" Edmund asked, turning to you. Truth be told, he felt a bit of rage boil up inside of him. Take a prisoner and then hit them? Who would go that low?

"A guard. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure I hit him harder when I knocked him out," you smirked.

The Pevensies chuckled lightly. "You're brilliant," Edmund grinned, the supporting hand around your shoulders turning into a side-hug.

Caspian and Reepicheep stormed into the room. "You may want to see this," Caspian said, eyes widening at the sight of you. You nodded a greeting to him before all of you walked out of the room, you only having slight balance problems by now since anything else had faded away.

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