Stood Up: James X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: Muggle World AU Celebrity AU

Warnings: Playboy Sirius, panic attack, food, angst, fluff, 

Posted on: 05/12/2022

"Pathetic," I say to myself as I walk out of the restaurant and sit on a bench, slightly crying. "I should have known he would do this, I mean why would a guy that hot like someone like me? I'm just a plain jane character in a fairytale written for someone else" I say as I look at my phone to see the bus won't be here for another thirty minutes. "Great and now I'm going to be late for the show—just my luck." I groan and slouch in my seat hiding my face and crying more. By the time the bus arrives, I have started and stopped crying multiple times. I get on the bus and sit in an empty seat. 'Hey that's lucky,' I think as the bus starts. I eventually make it to the event center with 5 minutes to spare. "F/N there you are! Where the hell have you been?" My friend Lily asks and I smile at her. "Long story we don't have time let's just go," I say and she nods as we head inside and I get whisked away. I stand at my station and make sure all the lights and sounds are working for this concert. I may not know this band but from what Lily told me they are a huge deal. The Marauders are apparently a big deal and I've just never heard of their songs or seen them ever. The show starts and the opening act is a hometown band I know well called the Serpents consisting of mine and Lily's friends Severus, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix. They performed amazingly and soon the Marauders were up. They start performing and I do my job eventually the concert ends and I go to find my friends after changing out of uniform. I'm walking as I glance down at my phone to see Bella telling me exactly where in the building they are I bump into a person in a leather Jacket. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I say looking up as the person turns around. The minute I see his face my face goes from apologetic to cold. "Hey, your fine babe do you want an autograph or something? take it as an apology for standing in the middle of the walkway" he says and I shake my head. "No, but you showing up at Huffle coffee at 3 earlier would've been nice," I say as I scuff and go to walk away. "Wait Y/n? How'd you find me here?" He asks and I scuff. "As if I was looking for you! I work here dumbass, Lighting tech remember?" I say pulling my uniform hat out. "She's got a point there Sirius, she did tell you that like the tenth text she sent." the guy Sirius was talking to says. I look over and see a guy with glasses who is quite attractive I won't lie. "So which one are you? I say racking my brain" He goes to say something but I stop him. "Hold on I have this. "No scars so not Remus and you have glasses so you must be James," I say triumphantly. "Right you are miss L/n it's nice to finally meet you," James says and I smile. "As well as you," I say then come out the other two boys from the little friend group. "Hello Remus and Peter," I say smiling and they look at me weirdly. "Y/n L/n," I say sticking my hand out and they both make a face of realization and shake my hand one at a time. I talk to the boys a little longer until I hear a shriek and Lily says, "Y/N HOW ARE YOU TALKING TO THE MARAUDER SO CASUALLY? YOU'RE ACTING LIKE THEY ARENT INTERNATIONAL POPSTARS" I look over to see my friends and blink at Lily then I look at the boys and then back at Lily. "Because I'm talking to humans first and foremost. Besides, I didn't even know who the band was before today and I didn't know what they looked like as a band until today. I've been talking to this one for eight months now," I say pointing to Sirius. "Hold on that's THE guy?" Bella, Cissy, and Lily ask at the same time and I nod. They all drop their jaws and I roll my eyes. "Well it was nice talking to you, I'll see you around I guess. Oh and by the way next time you say you'll meet up with a girl maybe actually meet up with her yeah? That way she isn't heartbrokenly sitting in a cafe for twenty extra minutes making it to where she's almost late to work and subsequently your concert." I say simply as I walk away past everyone as they all stare at me. 

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