New Friend, Old Enemy: Part 5

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Brooke's POV:

We're all spread out in the living room eating a victory pizza. Raph & I cuddle into one another on the couch, Leo sits on the the left side of the room, Donnie sits in front of the couch on the floor, and Mikey's on the right side of the room staring at the computer with a sorrowful look. The screen has Bradford's social media profile displayed. Splinter walks out of the dojo to stand before us with a look of seriousness.

Donnie: "Um, Sensei, aren't you hungry?"

Splinter: "I fear we are celebrating too soon."

Raph rises to sit up, his arms staying wrapped around me as I sit up with him.  This time I lean against the back of the couch instead of against his plastron.

Raph: "Too soon?  The bad guys were swept away in a river of raw sewage. By my watch, that makes it the perfect time."

Splinter: "Shredder knows I'm alive. And worse, he knows about all of you. It's my worst nightmare come true."

Raph's grip around me tightens, concerned for my wellbeing if I ever had to face Shredder. I kiss his cheek before nodding towards Mikey. He nods as we both walk to sit beside him, me on Mikey's right & Raph on his left.

Raph: "How you doing, Mikey?"

Mikey: "This is all my fault. I should have never thought I could be friends with a human."

I shake my head in in disagreement.

Me: "Mikey, listen to me, you are the kindest, funniest, sweetest person I've ever met. If it weren't for you, we never would have figured out that Shredder was after us. Plus, if anything, Bradford's the one who should be kicking himself over this."

Raph glances at me with a grateful smile before turning back to Mikey with a sympathetic look.

Raph: "Brooke's right, don't be so hard on yourself."

Mikey turns to him with a hopeful look.

Mikey: "So it's not my fault?"

Raph: "Of course it's your fault."

Me: "Raph!"

Mikey turns back to the computer with a dejected sigh as Raph contemplates what to say next, glancing to the others, then me, then Mikey.

Raph: "If you tell the others, I'll beat the green off you. But, you're an awesome guy."

I smile warmly, pleased that he's trying to comfort his brother, revealing the side of him that I've seen way more often than anyone else.

Mikey: "Bradford didn't think so."

I scoff at the thought of our newest enemy as Raph glances at me with a smirk. I meet his gaze with a small smile before we both turn to face our brother.

Raph: "Eh, he's a psychotic killing machine."

Me: "Yeah, you deserve way better friends than him. Like April & I."

Mikey smiles as he turns to face both of us.

Mikey: "You know what? You're right. Thanks, guys."

Raph: "Anytime."

Raph rubs Mikey's head as we both smile at him, before turning to go back to our previous position on the couch. While Leo watches 'Space Heroes', I turn to see what Mikey's up to. He then clicks something on the computer screen before the word 'unfriended' appears in big red letters.

Mikey: "Unfriend. Haha, revenge."

I silently chuckle at his innocence amongst all the chaos. That's what I love about him, even amongst the craziest, most terrifying thing in the world, he's still our sweet, kind-hearted little brother. As I turn to face the TV screen, not really paying attention to what's on it, I make a silent vow that if anyone ever tries to harm Mikey, change who he is, or take away his innocence, a roundhouse kick will be the least of their concerns. The same goes for the others, especially Raph & Splinter. No matter what, I'll always be there to protect my family.

Me: *thoughts*  "Don't worry, guys. Nothing's gonna hurt you. Not while I'm around."

Bring it on, Shredder.

End of Episode 3

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