I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman: Part 1

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Brooke's POV:

Right now, Raph, Leo, & Donnie are laid out on their plastrons in a huddled position. They've set up a skating ramp out of wooden boards & pizza boxes. It looks like it's ready to fall at any second. Mikey stands smiling at the top of the ramp, skateboard in hand, while the others look annoyed. Splinter is in the dojo meditating, though that's probably over with due to the noise they're making. Because Raph doesn't want me to get hurt if anything goes wrong, he asked me to stay on the couch, and I agreed. So here I am, studying an advanced algebra textbook Donnie will quiz me on later, watching the spectacle of ridiculousness that is my family.

Mikey: "And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles."

Raph turns to Mikey with an annoyed look.

Raph: "I can't believe he talked us into this."

Donnie turns to me in confusion.

Donnie: "How come Brooke doesn't have to do this?"

I look up from my textbook as I list off the reasons I don't have to endure their ridiculousness.

Me: "A, I don't have a protective shell like you guys. B, it gives me time to study for your pop quiz. And C, I don't wanna be one of the recipients of Father's discipline."

Mikey: "No problem, sis. Booyakasha!"

As Mikey rolls down the ramp on his skateboard, Splinter opens the door to the dojo as he walks to stand before the guys with an annoyed look.

Splinter: "What is going on in here?!"

Leo: "Sensei!"

Donnie, Leo, & Raph jolt up in fear, worried for what their punishment would be. Mikey yells and crashes into them as they fall. Splinter bangs his staff against the ground to get them to stand back up.

Splinter: "How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?"

Mikey: "None, Sensei."

Splinter: "I shouldn't have to tell you!"

The ramp suddenly crashes to the ground as the guys widen their eyes in surprise. Leo turned to Mikey with an annoyed look for his ignorance of Splinter's rules.

Leo: "You're right, Sensei. We definitely should've known better, and deserve to be punished. Eh...some."

I feel guilty that they're getting the brunt of Splinter's anger. So, I walk to stand beside Sensei and place a hand on his shoulder.

Me: "With all due respect, Sensei, they're not the only ones at fault."

They all turn to me in surprise.

Splinter: "How do you mean?"

Me: "I stood by and let this happen even though I suspected that you would have problems with their actions. Therefore, I deserve the same amount of disciplinary punishment they receive. Whatever that might be."

Splinter strokes his beard in contemplation of my proposal. He then turns to the boys with a serious look, though it seems to have softened.

Splinter: "Be grateful for your sister's compassion towards your plight. I was going to ground you for a week, but in consideration of her honesty, I've decided to make it three days. Stay out of trouble for those days, and I might consider removing your punishment. In the meantime, clean up this mess, all of you."

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