Newtralized: Part 1

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Brooke's POV:

It was a confusing explanatory session, but Kirby's come to terms with it as everyone else has. I'm going by the name 'O'Neil', but only for undercover missions. Also, I don't consider him my father, as that role's already been filled.

Earlier tonight, Casey joined Raph & me in hunting down a group of Kraang-droids carrying plutonium. Unfortunately, he's less experienced in vigilante work than we'd like him to be. We followed the Kraang as they attempted to escape, only to find the droids destroyed, the aliens unconscious, and the plutonium missing. I hope whoever did it is on our side, or we've got more problems.

We walk into the lair to find the others playing a game on the pinball machine.

Raph: "Great use of your time."

Leo: "How'd it go?"

Me: "The good news is the Kraang were stopped. The bad news is, it wasn't by us. And worse, they took the plutonium."

Donnie: "Interesting. Maybe Shredder's going after the Kraang again."

Raph: "I don't think these were Shredder's guys."

Mikey: "I know exactly who's behind this."

Raph: "You better not say squirrels with lasers again."

Donnie: "So, what do we do? Hunt down whoever's hunting the Kraang?"

Leo: "I think we better blanket the area. Keep an eye out."

Me: "Agreed. Raph, you, me & Casey will stick to the alleyways. Donnie & Mikey, you take the rooftops."

Leo: "I'll cover the sewers. We'll meet back at the lair at midnight."

{Time skip}

Raph: "You think you can keep up this time, Jones?"

Casey: "What is your problem, Raph?"

Raph: "Face it, Casey. Street thugs and rob-ninjas are one thing, but alien threats from other dimensions are a whole different ballgame."

Casey: "I took on a giant space-worm singlehandedly."

Raph: "Yeah, you were singlehandedly eaten by it."

Casey: "Have you ever fought living intestines? I don't think so!"

Raph: "Bottom line, you're in over your head on this one, Casey."

Casey: "Trust me, I might not have ninja training or psychic powers, but I've achieved a level of awesome attainable only by Casey Jones."

Me: "Guys, Kraang up ahead."

Raph follows my line of sight to see a group of Kraang-droids loading up a van with more plutonium. Casey lunges forward to attack, but Raph pulls him back.

Me: "Hold on, Hothead. Ninjas use stealth. Ever heard of it?"

Suddenly, Slash leaps to stand before us. Raph dons a defensive look and steps forward with an arm in front of me.

Slash: "Good to see you again, Raphael. You too, Brooke. Miss me?"

Raph: "What are you doing here, Slash?"

Slash: "We're taking care of the Kraang. I got a new partner."

Then, we turn towards the Kraang to see Newtralizer attacking them.

Casey: "Who is that?"

Me: "An alien psycho called 'the Newtralizer'. What are you guys doing, Slash?"

Slash: "What you and the Turtles couldn't. Wiping out the Kraang."

Slash leaps forward to join Newtralizer while Raph & I devise a plan of attack.

Raph: "Alright, I'll take Slash, Brooke's got the Newtralizer, you hang back and get-"

Casey ignores the plan and rolls forward to attack.

Casey: "Goon-gala!"

Newtralizer shoves Casey into the path of a moving car, but Raph leaps forward to save him.

Newtralizer: "Slash, we have what we came for."

Raph leaps forward to charge at Slash, but Slash fends him off.

Slash: "See you got a new partner, too, Raphael. Another human?"

Slash shoves Raph backward onto his shell.

Slash: "You gonna betray him the way you betrayed me?"

Raph gets up with a groan but smirks at Slash.

Raph: "Still holding onto the past, huh, Spike?"

Slash goes to hit Raph, but I hold him back with my powers.

Slash: "I told ya, it's Slash now! And since when do you have powers, Brookie?"

Me: "There's a lot you have left to learn, Spike."

Slash growls in anger and punches Raph into the wall before he and Newtralizer disappear via teleportation devices. I help Raph back onto his feet while Casey glances at the Kraang wreckage.

Raph: "I think we're in deep trouble."

{Time skip}

We recap what happened with the others back at the lair, and Donnie tries to locate the location of Slash via their teleportation tech. I toss Casey an icepack while Raph decides now is a good time to start another argument.

Raph: "You shoulda never got involved, Casey. Slash & Newtralizer are way too powerful."

Casey: "Those two goons are nothing. They lucked out, won't happen again."

Leo: "Let's focus, people! We got two crazy mutants running around blowing up the streets."

Raph: "I think we should shadow the Kraang until they show up."

Donnie: "Easy. Since Slash & the Newtralizer are using plutonium to power their teleportation, we can look for traces of residual radiation."

Me: "Great. Where do we start?"


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