Invasion of the Squirrelanoids: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

Thankfully, Sensei's in a deep meditative trance and doesn't notice the squirrel staring at him.

Me: *whispers* "Full ninja mode."

We carefully surround the squirrel, but it leaps into the tree. We position ourselves at the tree trunk as Donnie and Leo lift me. I grab the squirrel and quietly land just a few inches away from Splinter, who awakens as the squirrel shrieks loudly.

Splinter: "What is going on in here?! I was in a deep meditative trance trying to block out your constant noise and-Is that a chipmunk?"

Me: "More like a dangerous, mutant squirrel that reproduces inside stomachs."

Splinter: "I should've been in a deeper trance."

The squirrel wriggles out of my grasp, and we all chase it around the room. Splinter leaps forward, knocks a plastic crate over the squirrel, and holds it down to keep it inside.

Splinter: "You will be safe here for a sort time, my distant cousin. Until we can find out more about you."

I walk off to see how Mikey & Raph are doing.

Me: "Ok, boys. One squirrel down, one to-"

I open the door, much to my horror, as the squirrel crawls into Raph's mouth and down his throat.

Mikey & I: "Raph!"

{Time skip}

After we place Raph onto Donnie's desk and restrain him so he doesn't fall off, Donnie tries to use a stethoscope to listen for the squirrel. Unfortunately, Raph's anxiety makes it difficult for that to work.

Raph: "It's in my guts! I can feel it in there munching on that popcorn I ate. It's freaking me out, man!"

Donnie: "Ok, you gotta stop with the this-*moves his fingers to imitate talking*-because I can't here what's going on inside your intestines."

Mikey: "Oh, I'll tell you what's going on in there. Right now, the mutant squirrel is probably secreting a mucus into your stomach lining. So that, when it multiplies-"

Donnie: "Mikey-"

Donnie & I: "Not helping."

Donnie: "Though, probably 98% accurate."

Raph: "Get him out! Get him out! Get him out!"

I gently lower Raph onto his back.

Me: "Easy, soldier. Deep breath. You'll pull through, we'll eliminate the squirrel, and nothing worse will happen. Do you trust me?"

Raph nods and starts taking deep breaths until Donnie speaks up.

Donnie: "Just as I thought, we need to perform surgery. Stat.-*to Mikey*-Nurse!"

Mikey pulls out a buzzsaw and revs it up.

Raph: "Let me out of here!"

Mikey shut it off as he & Donnie start laughing. Raph stands up with an angry look.

Raph: "Why you, you-"

Raph falls to his knees with a groan.

Me: "Raph, you ok?"

Mikey: "Guys, brace for grossness!"

Raph regurgitates the squirrels, but due to their host being a fellow mutant, their energy levels and physical properties are unique to the original.

Leo: "Brooke, Donnie, some science-y stuff would be a big help right now!"

The squirrels rise to stand on two paws as they begin glowing green, and the power goes out.

Mikey: "Glowing. Glowing's bad. Glowing is real bad!"

Splinter pries the lab doors open.

Splinter: "I see it's happening here as well."

Donnie: "These things are putting out a crazy energy signature. It's messing with my analyzer."

Mikey: "We're doomed. Doomed, I tell you!"

Once again, the squirrels run off to separate sections of the lair.

Splinter: "Split up and search each room."

Mikey: "Split up? Clearly you don't read comics either, Sensei. 'Cause splitting up is the-"

Splinter: "Silence! You are trained warriors. We will find these creatures. Now!"

Raph: "Split up to search in the dark for multiplying mutants. Could we pick a more cliche way to get eaten?"

Donnie: "One of us could twist our ankle, or our T-Phones could die, or-"

Raph: "Ok. Move!"

Raph & I walk off to check the bedrooms. We're halfway through when Raph bumps into Mikey behind with a scream.

Me: "Mikey, I told you Raph & I would check the bedrooms."

Mikey: "I thought you'd need backup."

Suddenly, we hear a distant hissing from the shadows.

Mikey: "There was a sound just like that in my comic when the baby aliens transformed into giant alienoids."

Raph: "Wait. You read it in a comic. How can it sound the same? Sweet mother of mutations!"

Mikey and I follow Raph's gaze to find that the squirrels' mutations have leveled up in a creepy, horrifying way.

Mikey: "They've turned into squirrelanoids!"

We run off to meet up with Donnie & Leo.

Mikey: "They're gonna brain-suck us!"

Splinter appears before us and whacks the squirrelanoids away with his staff. They both rush off deep into the sewers.

Leo: "The sewers lead to surface! If those things get out-"

Splinter: "Go then. Quickly. I will stay to defend the lair in case the beasts double back."

Me: "Hai, Sensei."

Mikey: "Which means we have to go after them alone? In the dark sewer? Without you?"

Splinter: "Who among you wants to prove you are the bravest? The strongest of will? The worthiest of ninjas?"


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