Invasion of the Squirrelanoids: Part 3

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Brooke's POV:

We are strong of will, brave, and worthy to be ninjas. But we also value the safety of our team. So, Donnie sent Metalhead out to survey the sewer tunnels, but I get the feeling this will all work out in Splinter's favor.

Donnie: "Master Splinter, I'd say there's some kind of lesson here. Like, I don't know, 'Brains over Bravery', or something."

Splinter: "I'd say the something part is most accurate."

Mikey: "I'm not gonna say this happened in my comic. But, this happened in my comic."

We hear screeching from the TV screen, and Metalhead gets attacked by one of the squirrelanoids. We watch as the screen shows that Metalhead has gotten beheaded before the screen goes static.

Donnie: "Metalhead!"

Mikey: "Page 33. Oh, man!"

Donnie: "Don't worry, little pal. I'll make you all better."

I place a hand on Donnie's shoulder in support.

Splinter: "I do not want to say I was right."

Me: "But?"

Splinter: "I was right."

{Time skip}

We each grab a flashlight and follow Donnie through the main sewer tunnel.

Raph: "Just throwing this out here, what are we supposed to do when we find these squirrelanoid monsters?"

Mikey: "Don't worry. They'll find us."

Raph: "You always know just the right thing to say."

Donnie: "I'm picking up strong readings from both tunnels."

Leo: "Then we split up."

Mikey: "Again? Didn't you guys get-"

Leo: "But this time in teams. Ok?"

Mikey: "It's still splitting up. We're toast! Game over, man! Game over!"

Me: "Leo & Donnie, you take the tunnel ahead. Raph, Mikey, & I will take the opposite tunnel."

Leo nods, and we all split into assigned groups to search each tunnel.

Raph: "So, how did they defeat the aliens in your comic book?"

Mikey: "Oh, so now you wanna know? Well, first the aliens picked off the crew in the dark, one by one, sucking their faces off until there was only one remaining survivor."

Raph: "Sorry I asked."

Suddenly, a chattering sound echoes through the walls. Right then, Leo & Donnie run into us, knocking us down into the center of the area as the four squirrels surround us.

Mikey: "They'll crack our shells like nuts. And Brooke-"

Raph: "Then we might as well go down in a blaze of glory!"

We split up to fight each squirrel until we're all backed into a corner.

Me: "All right, Mikey, I'll bite. How does the sole survivor beat the aliens?"

Mikey: "It was so awesome! He baited the aliens into an airlock, and then he-"

Mikey pauses as an idea pops into his head, and he leaps off to put it into action.

Raph: "Did he just bail on us?"

Leo: "I think he's got a plan."

We leap back into action against the squirrels, but they knock us onto the ground and corner us again.

Mikey: "Yoo-hoo, glow-heads!"

We look up to see Mikey holding bags of popcorn as bait.

Mikey: "Want some?"

The squirrels rush towards him.

Raph: "Mikey has a plan!"

Mikey runs off to lead the squirrels further away from us, and we follow soon after. When we find them, the squirrels have dragged Mikey underwater, so we form a ladder to get him out with Raph at the end to grab Mikey.

Raph: "I gotcha!"

Leo: "We all do."

Mikey smiles before one of the squirrels lunge out of the water, so Raph and I throw ninja stars at it, and it falls back underwater and down the drain. We pull ourselves back onto solid ground.

Leo: "The septic tanks down below should hold those creeps."

Donnie: "At least until I can figure out a retro-mutagen to turn them back."

Raph turns to Mikey with a smile.

Raph: "I'm glad you didn't get flushed, little brother."

Mikey: "You and me both, bro."

{Time skip}

We all hang out in the living room at the lair to reflect on tonight's events.

Raph: "I hate to admit it, but it looks like all of Mikey's comic book reading paid off."

Me: "And that was pretty clever to realize that squirrelanoids were attracted to the scent of food."

Donnie: "Actually, that was pretty obvious. I can't believe I didn't think of it."

Mikey: "Not everyone can be the brains of the outfit."

Splinter: "And have any of you considered, 'what if one of those creatures manages to escape'?"

Raph: "No worries, Sensei. Those giant, nut-loving freaks are gone for good."

Mikey: "Um, actually, a bunch of sequel comics came out. The aliens come back."

Hopefully, that's just fiction and not like everything else within the last twenty-four hours.

Raph: "Hey, it's after midnight. Happy Anniversary, Gorgeous."

Me: "Now that you remember."

Raph: *chuckles* "Well, one down, a million more to go. They may not be as exciting as hunting giant Godzilla squirrels, but hopefully, they make you happy."

Me: "I know they will because they'll be with you."

He pulls me into a passionate kiss, and I can hardly wait for the next few years to come.

End of Season 2, Episode 2

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