The Pulverizer: Part 4/Baxter's Gambit: Part 1

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Brooke's POV:

Leo drives us home when the Kraang surround us with their helicopters and vans.

Raph: "Hold her steady, Leo. I'll take care of these jokers."

Raph deploys manhole covers at their vans.

Leo: "Uh, guys. The Kraang are on the roof."

Me: "I'll take care of them. Mikey, on me."

Mikey & I leap up to the roof to discover more Kraang flying in.

Mikey: "Kraang can fly! Kraang can fly!"

One droid knocks Mikey over to the roof's edge while I handle the rest. Suddenly, we crash into the side of the building. Leo leaps out of the vehicle while the rest of us follow him to deal with the rest of the Kraang. We're mid-fight when we see a Kraang-droid running off with the power cell and Pulverizer chasing him. He tries the move I showed him earlier, only to be flung toward two other droids.

Me: "Donnie, you go after the power cell. I'll get Pulverizer."

Donnie nods, and we both leap into action. I knock out the droids surrounding Pulverizer, and Donnie jumps out of the helicopter carrying the power cell.

Me: "Ok, new rule. No more driving through walls to get past roadblocks."

Donnie: *chuckles* "Deal. I'll get started on a more sustainable protector for the power cell."

Pulverizer: "So, you think we could pick up our training again sometime?"

Donnie & I turn to him with deadpanned looks.

Donnie & I: "No."

Pulverizer: "Fine. But I'll keep practicing. And I'll be back. And wherever crime may roam, wherever help is-"

Turtles & I: "Bye!"

Pulverizer walks away, and we all drive back home faster than usual to ensure we're back underground before the Kraang can show up. If Pulverizer does come back, we're gonna have to increase security measures and hide all the sharp objects.

{A/N: I'm skipping over 'TCRI/Cockroach Terminator' since they never lost the power cell & I don't see Brooke's presence having any significant changes}

We watch from the rooftops as the Kraang load cargo into their van.

Donnie: "Whoa! That's a sub-spacial endoparticle disrupter."

Leo: "Gonna have to explain if that's 'oh, no' or 'yay'."

Donnie: "In the hands of the Kraang, it's a definite 'oh, no'."

Mikey: "Why? What does it do?"

Donnie: "Brooke?"

Me: "It can de-synchronize subatomic resonances, which invert polymolecular structures, causing them to implode."

Mikey dons a confused look, so Raph translates.

Raph: "It makes things go 'boom'."

Donnie: "Technically, it makes things go zwee-choo, pop! It's important to be accurate."

Leo: "Ok, guys, get in position. Ready-"

Me: "Set-"

Raph: "Let's just do this."

We leap to the ground to find Dogpound, Fishface, & the Foot standing opposite us.

Raph: "Kraang & Fishface & Dogpound? I must be dreaming."

We all leap to attack one another. While we all fight the Kraang, Leo takes on Dogpound, Mikey and Donnie take on the Foot ninjas they brought with them, and Raph and I deal with Fishface. Thanks to them, the Kraang get away with the sub-spacial endoparticle disrupter.

Leo: "Guys, we gotta move! Raph, Brooke, now!"

Fishface: "Yes, run along now."

Me: "This isn't over, Sushi Legs."

{Time skip}

At the lair, Splinter paces back and forth behind us with his staff, testing to see if we can avoid what we think is coming before it does. Donnie tries to dodge but gets hit on the head by Splinter.

Donnie: "Aw, man."

Next, Mikey repeatedly flinches forward, but Sensei never swings.

Mikey: "Just so we're clear, Sensei, you are planning on swinging, ri-Ow!"

Then, Raph gets hit one second before he can lunge forward. Then, Splinter swings at Leo, who veers to the side in time to avoid getting hit.

Leo: "Yes!"

I take a deep breath in as he comes to me. I sense the staff coming and duck forward, rolling over to Leo. I sigh in relief as Leo pats me on the shoulder.

Raph: "What is the point of this, anyway?"

Splinter: "Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention."

Raph: "I already know my enemy's intention, Sensei, to take me down."

Splinter: "Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given. But sensing when they will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat."

Raph: "Hai, Sensei."

We all bow in respect as Splinter walks off.


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