It Came From the Depths: Part 4

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Brooke's POV:

Mikey unchains Leatherhead while I look ahead at the other end of the couch, trying to piece together how I ended up where I once was.

Me: "I only remember some of it, and I don't remember anything from before. But, when I was five, I ended up alone in an alleyway with no home, family, or friends. I was about to walk towards the sidewalk when a rat named Splinter approached me from behind..."


Splinter: "Do not be frightened, little one. I mean you no harm."

But I wasn't scared. Crazy as it sounds, this was entirely normal for me. Of course, I thought it was just my imagination.

Splinter: "What is your name?"

I couldn't remember clearly, but one name, in particular, sounded familiar.

Me: "Brooke."

Splinter: "Brooke, where is your family?"

I looked to the ground, trying to remember, but nothing and no one came to mind.

Splinter: "VVery well. Would you like to live with my sons and me? You will be safe, cared for, and trained to defend yourself properly."

Every kid dreams of adventure, but few get a chance. This was my chance, and I wasn't about to lose it. He reached out his hand for me to take, which I did. He then led me through the sewers and brought me here.

Present Time:

Me: "I met Mikey, Donnie, Leo, & Raph. Mikey was the first to approach me."

Mikey nods with a bright smile.

Me: "Yeah. She seemed cool, so I ran over to hug her as tightly as I could."

Me: "Donnie looked me over and called me 'fascinating'—a scientist from the start. Leo approached me with a polite smile and shook my hand. And Raph just smiled and said, 'You like turtles?'-*laughs*-And, I did. 10 years later, we're all trained ninjas, and I'm part of the greatest family in the world."

Then, the others emerge from the water.

Mikey: "Hey, guys. Leatherhead is totally off the chain."

Raph: "You mean you set him free?"

I cross my arms with a stern look.

Me: "Is there a problem, Raphael?"

Raph: *gulps* "No."

Donnie: "Um, maybe you guys forgot that he grabbed me by the face!"

Leo: "Brooke, I understand where you're coming from, but what if he goes berserk?"

Me: "Mikey, earmuffs."

Mikey nods as he gently places his hands over Leatherhead's ears.

Me: *whispered* "He's not gonna go 'berserk', as long as no one mentions the K-R-A-A-N-G. All right?"

I nod to Mikey, so he removes his hands as I slowly walk up to Leatherhead.

Me: "Leatherhead, the guys wanna ask you a few questions about how we found you. Can you handle that, or do you need a minute?"

Leatherhead: "Yes."

I turn to Donnie with a nod as he approaches us with the power cell. When Leatherhead sees it, he freaks out and again grabs Donnie by the face.

Donnie: "Oh, come on. This is not my day!"

Me: "Leatherhead, no!"

I place a hand at his side, but he shoves me across the room and into the lab doors.

Raph: "Brooke!"

The guys try to take him down, but he does the same to them as he did to me. Then, he slowly stalks towards me, the power cell in his hands, as he raises his right arm to strike. I close my eyes, bracing for impact, before hearing Splinter shout from across the room.

Splinter: "Stop! Get away from my daughter!"

I open my eyes as Leatherhead roars as he rushes towards Splinter. He goes to attack, but Splinter dodges Leatherhead before shoving him to the ground.

Splinter: "Leave this place. Out!"

Leatherhead rushes out past Donnie, Leo, and Raph.

Splinter: "Brooke, are you alright?"

Me: "A little off-balance, but I'm ok. Guys?"

Leo: "Yeah. Yeah, we're ok."

Splinter: "Where is Michelangelo?"

Donnie: "You don't think he went after Leatherhead, do you?"

Leo: *chuckles* "No. Only an idiot would-Oh, boy."

{Time skip}

We find Mikey and Leatherhead in an abandoned subway car. We all enter a defensive stance behind Mikey.

Raph: "Get away from Mikey, or we'll turn you into the world's ugliest suitcase."

Leatherhead: "Please. I mean him no harm. It was the Kraang who made me this way. I was raised by a kind human boy, until his parents discovered me and umped me in the sewer. The Kraang found me and took me to their dimension. They mutated me and subjected me to horrible experiments. But they could not break my spirit. Six months ago, I escaped through the portal that they used to travel to Earth, and I stole this."

He holds up the power cell.

Donnie: "What did they use it for?"

Leatherhead: "It powers the portal. Without it, no Kraang can enter or leave this dimension. I swore to keep it from them and spare this world from their evil, even at the cost of my own life."

Suddenly, we feel a thud from the outside of the car.

Kraang-Droid: "Give to Kraang the power cell that Kraang has come to demand that you give to Kraang."

Mikey: "It's the Kraang!"

Leo: "Quick, barricade the doors!"

Raph & Mikey try to hold them off, but a group of Kraangdroids burst through the doors. We destroy them until they try to grab the power cell from Leatherhead. Leo slices through their arms, I cut the rest into pieces, and Raph successfully closes the door to keep the others out. It's silent until the outsiders try to worm their way in through the doors and windows.


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