Panic in the Sewers: Part 4

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{A/N: Image above is Brooke's new ninja suit}

Brooke's POV:

April walks to the entrance wearing a jacket while carrying a pizza box. We watch her from a nearby rooftop as she knocks on the door.

Donnie: "I don't like this."

Mikey: "Me neither. Giving the enemy a free pizza?"

I chuckle at that. Little do the guys know, April & I have little side-plan for when things go wrong. A Foot ninja answers the door, opening it slightly to see who knocked, and he slams the door in her face, so she runs down the stairs and into an alleyway to call Leo.

April: "Looks like the Foot clan are smarter than the Purple Dragons."

Leo: "They'd almost have to be, wouldn't they? Thanks April. You did your best."

Mikey: "At least we've still got the pizza."

I can practically hear her grinning over the phone.

April: "Oh, we're not done yet."

Turtles: "We?"

April: "You ready, Brooke?"

I smirk as I throw a smoke bomb to the ground. The guys turn to me with their eyes wide in surprise while Raph's jaw drops to the ground. I'm wearing a brand new ninja suit in Raph's signature color. I leap to the edge of the rooftop with a confident grin.

Leo: "Brooke, what're you-"

I backflip over the rooftop with my arms crossed over my chest. As soon as I land, I dash to the alleyway to meet with April. I then leap against the walls in a zigzag pattern while April walks up to the front door of the neighboring building. Once I reach the rooftop, I see her sitting on the edge of the fire escape, and she looks down in fear before turning to me for help.

Me: "You've got this, April. You are a kunoichi! Deep breath. I'm right here to catch you if you need it."

She nods, takes a deep breath, and leaps across the space between buildings. She lands on her feet but starts to slip, and I take her hand and pull her away from the edge. She nods her thanks before we both find an open window and climb through it. We see Shredder sitting on his throne as Dogpound & the Purple Dragons approach him while Xever emerges from the water. I call Leo on April's phone so that the guys can listen in.

Shredder: "Listen carefully. Five of you will hijack a tanker truck on Houston in approximately 15 minutes. The chemical is extremely rare, so you will not have another chance."

While April & I listen to what Shredder is saying, Raph starts an argument with Donnie.

Raph: "Chemical? What chemical?"

Donnie: "How about we listen and find out?"

Raph: "How about I break your shell on my knee?"

Leo: "How about you two shut it for a minute while we try to hear Shredder's evil plan!"

Shredder: "Which will destroy them once and for all. Now go!"

Leo: "We missed it! Oh, great. Nice going, guys."

Donnie: "We gotta get them out!"

Raph: "I'm with Donnie."

Leo: "No, if we rush in there, we put both of them at risk. We wait."

April & I take this as our chance to escape. We crawl out where we came in, leap off the roof, onto the fire escape next door, and return to the alleyway.

Me: "I'll hitch a ride see where they go."

Leo: "No, you've both done enough! Now, get out of there!"

We all hear a growl from afar.

Leo: "Bradford heard you! Run!"

April runs off in the opposite direction. Before I can follow her, Dogpound grabs me from behind, ties me up with a rope, and places a piece of tape over my mouth as he tosses me into the front of the van beside Fong as he drives off. A few minutes into the drive, I look into the passenger's side mirror to see the guys driving the detachable sidecars of Donnie's patrol buggy. Wait, isn't that still in beta?! Mikey's car is attached to Raph's from behind, while Donnie's is connected to Leo's from behind. Suddenly, Mikey detaches from Raph before Donnie does the same with Leo. Then, Leo & Mikey drive after the tanker truck while Donnie & Raph pursue the van. Donnie goes to the driver's side while Raph moves to the passenger door.

Donnie: "Hold your breath, Brooke!"

I close my eyes and do as he says when Donnie tosses a smoke bomb into the van. Fong veers the steering wheel every which way, and when I open my eyes as the smoke clears, I see Donnie & Raph turning to park their cars in front of the van as Fong pumps the brakes. The brothers rush to the van as two Foot ninjas exit from the back and run to fight them off. Donnie takes the one to my left, while Raph takes the one to my right. Once the Foot are down for the count, Fong exits the driver's side and walks around the front of the car towards Donnie with a meat cleaver in each hand. Once he's beside my door, I kick it open, knocking him unconscious as he falls over to the side.

Raph: "Nice shot!"

With a smirk, I hop to stand beside the van, my hands still tied behind my back.

We all turn as we hear the go-karts fall apart. Donnie rubs his neck in embarrassment.

Donnie: "Uh, they're not ready yet."

Raph rolls his eyes before giving Donnie an order.

Raph: "Donnie, you go ahead and help Mikey & Leo. We'll catch up in a minute."

Donnie turns to me for confirmation as I nod, before running off to find the others. Raph walks over to untie the rope around my hands.

Me: "Took you long enough."

I rub my wrists to ease the pain & numbing from the rope before Raph pulls me into a hug.

Raph: "Don't ever do anything like that again! Not without telling me, ok?"

I let out a small gasp as I hear the crack in his voice. I wrap my arms around him before leaning my head into the crook of his neck.

Me: "Ok."

Raph: "I thought we lost you. I thought I lost you. To Shredder."

His grip around me tightens. I get it. I'd do the same if it were him. I pull away to see his expression of fear & concern, leaning my forehead against his.

Me: "Hey, it's me we're talking about. I don't go down without a fight, remember?"

He smiles as I pull him into a lasting kiss full of passion, love, caring, and reassurance. By the time we pull away, his smile has gotten wider.

Me: "Alright, Hot Shot, come on. We've got a sewer to save. That sounded a lot better in my head."

Raph laughs as we both rush off to find Leo, Donnie, & Mikey.


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