the ghost of WhatsApp

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Submitted for approval by the midnight society
I call this the ghost of whatsapp

There is a ghost on WhatsApp that haunts yeah it's self worldwide. It is known to be the queen of fetid queen Norton conjunction with the king that was mentioned in the previous chapter this story is about a beautiful Entity hall crasher WhatsApp in a heartbeat if you don't talk to her.
One day there was a guy who wanted to meet a hot chick but had to go through WhatsApp because of COVID-19. He ended up thinking that this was gonna be a lucky break. And thought he was going to find her on Facebook but couldn't find her on Facebook but she was stunningly beautiful. Almost otherworldly beautiful. He wondered why she wasn't on Facebook. But she was so super naturally beautiful that He had to be compelled to talk to her.
. One day he got suspicious and thought he was a scammer. And current find her anywhere not even in the phonebook her number was of an unworldly number and on earthly number. It was a bunch of a series of zeros the most powerful's number in the angel number realm.  His friend knew Reiki and was also a empath and clairvoyant said listen this is the ghost of Whatsapp about a girl who died while using the app. And was looking for a van dragon tail because I don't use it she is a energy vampire and will suck you dry just be careful. But the garden not listen to his friend at all And continue to talk to her. Pretty soon he had to go for bloodwork and soon things started to go wrong from there he was ironed deficient one he usually was a meathead. Meaning he loved his meat. So why the hell was he ironed deficient.  Bernie remembered Warren's friend was wrong about the vampire bat. The vampire was an energy vampire but also an iron vampire who is soaked up his iron from his blood. Somehow he did not hemorrhage. He was dying slowly and painfully of anemia. Severe iron deficiency. And had to go for blood Transfusion.   O'Reilly's friend the time in the hospital of a girl came to him. Stunning as ever dressed in a prom dress practically as if she was going to go find a date but then she got ugly both physically and emotionally and started attacking him.
With every gas she got from her razor like fingernails Yanet up losing more blood than he could think of and pretty soon ended up in the spirit realm himself. He said to be very careful on WhatsApp and who you talk to on WhatsApp you never know who you're talking to you might be talking to the ghost.

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