the polygraph examiner

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Submitted to approval of the Midnight Society I call this the tale of the polygraph examiner

Billy was a polygraph examiner for the CIA. She was known to be a hard-ass even though she was very young little thing. But then she got into operation Frankenstein were they dismembered and tortured the operatives of the CIA to kill terrorists by reanimating them and making them stronger and impervious to emotion and pain. She was said to have been elected to Gold to kill us all my bin Laden but it was ended up falling apart just on the way to abbottabad Pakistan. He fell apart limb by limb and she was nothing more than an experiment for the CIA. To be a terrorist killing machine. But her death eventual death was something that the CIA did not think of one I did the experiment and discontinued operation Frankenstein. June her DNA was used for another experiment to see if he can be cloned or to be enhanced while still being in the womb of another woman. Why does he was born a new body with her own DNA as is she she was said to be impervious to pain and emotion almost a psychopath. She suck the blood of the victim to see grow up to hate. But soon the sands of time came and see do it again in the school shooting as a bully. her body was never found. For who wants to remember to some psychotic Psychopathic yet brilliant genius who is going to only harm her fellow students in the first place. This was a very disturbing thought it said that her soul whatever is left of her soul was Haunting the school where she was shot down. She haunted the school one person walked down the hallways alone which was a No-No in that school because of her ghost and she ended up being attacked by the Super  enhanced human girls spirit. You need experiments continued on during not just the Cold War but also during the war on terror as well why Corporation Frankenstein and then they ended up trying to enhance human beings I am one of them as well impervious of pain but I have emotions. I am a hybrid of different ethnic groups and different genius people. I have strength and endurance and I have a high pain tolerance like that of a horse. It was said that I was also implanted in a woman in Eastern Europe and then brought back in North America to be evaluated and adopted. She had no such luck he was already in North America so she was not field-tested. I miss my comrade very much that she she has become a part of me medically. The polygraph examiner are my comrade Against Terror will be also my comrade in Hell

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