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Submitted to approval for the Midnight Society I call this the tale of the zits

One year I ended up not only developing zits and pimples but I also ended up developing blood blisters under the skin of my face near the bones of my cheek and nose. It was very scary and I was frightened of what it might be and did not want to go to the hospital cuz it would require surgery something that I didn't want to have to do. But then I was given bad news by my doctor doctor Rossi who said that I was in grave danger of losing my life my nose is going to shrink to the point where I could not breathe out of it anymore and I was not really a mouth breather to begin with.
It was three times I escaped the hospital just to avoid the surgery because the surgeon was drunk and psychotic. He spent most of his time in the morgue doing human experiments than he did with surgeries they were assigned to him. His name was Hill Morty MD and he was a very evil person to begin with I could tell just by the vibe he was giving off.
I was an empath at the time and I was able to feed off the fact that he was a womanizer mentally ill and a drunk. He probably had a criminal record 24 human experimentation. He was very not a nice man. Hill Morty came from The Gambia and was always asking for money to get more alcohol to keep a steady hand.
Then the fourth time my Escape was not as lucky as it seemed as the doctor himself talk me with a needle in the back of my neck with some kind of muscle relax and it succinylcholine I am pretty sure the next thing you know I woke up in the autopsy room being autopsied alive. I was frightened it and wanted to fight back but I couldn't do very much with my torso being cut open.
He ended up saying what the f*** are you doing up. Yes really nice bedside manner. And he ended up punching me back to sleep or knocking me out one of the two same thing and I ended up do you want to talk to you to live my nose drinking and the blood blisters on my face increasing in size until they involve the whole side of my face by the time you want to my brain to be examined it was a bloodbath just it that the bone saw through my face and to get to the brain. That was the anime right there and I never left the hospital that day ever again. The very last thing I remember before dying was him cackling like a which or in this case a warlock. We will never know what happened to me. It was said that I was thrown into the medical waste and was destroyed. My family never knew what happened to me. The end

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