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PUBLISHED: 15/05/2022

Arthur was now dragging me down to the Garrison. Apparently (Y/N) and her elder sister Esmeralda were there, waiting for us. Fuck 'em. I didn't want to see any of those Golds, especially the one Arthur told me I had to marry. This would be the first time I'd be seeing you properly.

"Why the fuck are we meeting at the Garrison? She's too young to drink anyway," I complained as Arthur fixed my suit as we walked down the cobblestone streets, feeling slightly buzzed from my whiskey.

"She can drink if she wants, I wouldn't be surprised if she could drink you under the table - and behave, you're going to be tied to this girl until one of you die because Shelby's. Don't. Divorce." Arthur warned before we walked in.

Arthur strutted in, and I followed, automatically reaching up to touch the bottom of the door jamb, then we walked to our private booth, passing Harry and saying hey on the way.

You were there, looking out the open window, your hair shielding you from my gaze (and Arthur's), your hand near your mouth. From the soft 'click', it was safe to assume you were chewing your nails.

I closed the door and locked it behind me, making sure no one could enter. Your sister nudged you, saying something softly, making you tuck your hair behind your ears and look at us. Your eyes met mine, and breath caught in my throat. The sun coming through the window made your eyes look like they were glowing.

You scowled, then faced the window again.

Arthur ushered me into the chair and I slid across, stopping next to the window. I immediately started bouncing my leg. Arthur sat down next to me, saying greetings. Esmeralda replied, but not you.

"Have they organised a date for the wedding yet?" Esmeralda asked Arthur, her eyes flickering to me and back.

"Sometime next week, I suspect. Don't worry, we'll get a seamstress to sew her up a nice dress." Arthur reassured the pair of you — mainly Esmeralda.

"I don't want a white dress," You spoke, turning to look at Arthur, "I like yellow — I want yellow. If I'm going to get married against my fucking will, It's it going be in my favourite fucking colour."

Arthur nodded thoughtfully, "That can easily be arranged."

You settled back into your seat, looking somewhat content at the little say you had, "Good."

We fell into an awkward silence.

"I'll go get us some drinks," Esmeralda said, slipping out of the chair and out of the booth.

Arthur shifted uncomfortably as you openly glared at us now that your sister was gone.

"I hate you both," You announced, then looked back out the window.

I opened my mouth to say something back but Arthur raised his eyebrows at me. I quickly shut my mouth, knowing he would tell Tommy.

Esmeralda quickly came back in, a jug of beer and four glasses on a tray. Arthur flew up to help her set the tray on the table without breaking anything.

"Have they told you of your new living arrangements?" Esmeralda asked her sister as she poured her a glass.

You shook your head slowly. I perked up in my seat as Arthur slid me a glass, wondering what was going to happen. Esmeralda nodded towards Arthur.

Arthur pointed to himself, and Esmeralda nodded. You cocked a brow as you crossed your arms over your chest.

Arthur cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably, leaning his arms on the tabletop, "You're moving to Watery Lane  — with Finn. Orders of Tommy and your father. You're expected to move as soon as possible."

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