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PUBLISHED: 15/05/2022

You and I were now sat around the fire with the rest of your family, having eaten our dinner of vegetable soup and flatbread. You were sitting next to Esmeralda, your younger sister Saiorse on your lap as she chattered about her adventures today. I was in between Aberama and Bonnie, a situation I very much wanted to avoid.

I looked at you as you flipped your hair back over your shoulder so it wouldn't be in Saiorse's way, then looked at your other two sisters. They looked one and the same, anyone would think that Saiorse was Esmeralda reborn. But you, you looked different — and you felt different.

Your eyes flickered over to me as you were talking to Esmeralda about someone named Brianna, and I felt my face flush as I realised I had been caught staring.

"Come on, we're talking a walk, Shelby." Bonnie's voice sounded from my right, making me look at him.

He was already standing up, lantern in his hand. I looked over at you, and you raised your eyebrows as if to say 'go with him'.

I stood up, and he wordlessly turned on his heel and went. I followed him, feeling entirely at his mercy. I heard from Arthur what he did to Billy Mills, and I'm nowhere near as good a fighter. I didn't even have my cap on me in case he made a move.

We walked a fair distance away from the fire before he stopped, and turned to face me, the lantern illuminating the scene around us making him look all the more scarier as he looked down at me. I drew myself up straighter, trying to make myself seem taller.

"You be gentle with my sister any way you can, you hear me, Shelby? Because if I find out you haven't I'll kill you and mail your body back to Tommy in fifty different parcels," Bonnie warned, "She doesn't need a harder life, not right now."

I nodded, the last bit of his statement making more questions than answers.

"I'm about to give you a photo, put that photo in your bag and show your brothers because the woman in that photo is not allowed to come near (Y/N) under any circumstances, and if I found out that she's come near (Y/N) I'll hit you so hard I'll send your nose up into your fucking brain, do you understand?" Bonnie stressed, and I could only nod.

He reached into his jacket, and produced a photo, handing it to me. I looked at it under the light of the lantern.

"Who's this?" I questioned, noticing how the woman in the photo looked somewhat like you.

"That's (Y/N)'s mother. She's a cunt, and the reason (Y/N) is the way she is. Her name is Marian Jones." Bonnie informed me, "She does more damage than good anywhere she goes, so keep her away from my little sister."

"I will," I agreed, knowing all too well what it was like to have a parent that hurt more than helped.

"I'm glad we could understand each other, Shelby." Bonnie said, grinning and clapping me on the shoulder as if he didn't just threaten to kill me, then led me back over to the fire.


You and I were now in your vardo, under what seemed to be a million blankets, bar one thick, scratchy dark blue one you had hung up on the window above your bed to stop any light coming in. We had the window above the bench open, and the curtains partitioning your bed from the rest of the caravan shut, but you could still feel the fresh air.

It was a nice feeling, the cold air keeping my face cool while my body was warm under the covers. I could see why you liked sleeping with moving air instead of still.

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