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PUBLISHED: 24/07/2022

Finn followed Isiah and Arthur into a the Garrison, which was surprisingly lively, the patrons singing along with the performer. The performer stopped when they entered, and some of the patrons started exiting the pub. It made Finn feel powerful, the authority he held over them. He knew it was a bad thing, but fucking hell, he loved it.

Finn sat down at a table, straightening up his jacket, his best friend taking the seat next to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm just gonna take a short break. Thank you. Yeah," The singer announced, and Finn bit back a chuckle.

Arthur sat down at the table his younger brother was sitting at as a member of staff hurried over and poured the group drinks without anyone having to say anything.

Arthur started clapping for the performer, making the rest of the people in the room do so.

"Beautiful, Billy. Beautiful," Arthur declared, "Really nice. Really nice."

Finn was too busy looking at the man across the table, intrigued by him. It was rare he ever got to meet anyone in the barely legal side of the business nowadays. Usually it was Isiah, or Oscar, Bonnie's ... friend. Everyone knew they weren't just friends, but they still called each other friends. Oscar wasn't here to help now, though, because he was babysitting. Finn hoped that he had bathed the kids by now. Finley always became a troublemaker when you didn't stick to the schedule, thinking he could get away with anything, and he usually roped his siblings and cousins into his plans. Jeremy, Isiah and Esmeralda's year and a half old son and Bonnibel, their nine month old daughter loved running amuck with his and your children. All little troublemakers, and Oscar was always letting them get away with things.

"Really meaningful, you know, a heartfelt song." Arthur continued as he poured the drinks, "I like it. I really do."

"Boys ... This here is Billy Grade," Arthur introduced, "Man I was telling you about."

"Billy, this here's my kid brother, Finn." Arthur said, gesturing to the younger man.

"Hey," Billy replied softly, with a quick nod of the head.

Finn returned it, and so did Isiah.

"Have a drink, Billy." Arthur said softly, but Finn knew it was an order.

"I can't, my voice is..." He protested softly, and Finn tried to suppress the need to snort.

"Drink, Bill." Arthur said, and Billy replied with a soft spoken 'yeah'.

"Yeah," Arthur murmured in reply, raising his own glass quickly and throwing the liquid back.

Billy did the same, looking over at Isiah and Finn, unsure of who exactly they were.

"You boys won't remember," Arthur began, "But I remember when Billy here made a living on the football pitch."

Billy laughed at the memories. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Yeah, that was a long time ago, Mr. Shelby." Billy said, grinning softly.

"Yeah. What a left foot aye?" Arthur asked, remembering the absolute weapon Billy was on the pitch.

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