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PUBLISHED: 18/05/2022
(A/N: I haven't been to a wedding in yonks so this and the next chapter is me really just making stuff up as I go lmao)

Today was the anticipated day. The union between (Y/N) Gold and Finn Shelby. You had woken up a nervous wreck.

You hadn't even been able to eat anything, not even biscuits with your tea, something that made Esmeralda and Saoirse concerned — you had always had an ungodly amount of biscuits, at least four, whenever you had a cup of tea. Once, Esmeralda was sure she counted twelve on your saucer.

It was now eight in the morning, and your sisters were begging you to eat at least one mouthful of the feast Polly had cooked for you and your bridal party. You had all slept at your residence, while Finn and his groomsmen were getting ready at Tommy's.

You picked up a pancake, and took a small bite — it was fluffy and soft. You chewed it, and mindlessly began drumming your fingers on the tabletop.

"So, I'm walking down the aisle with Arthur, Tommy with Lizzie, Bonnie with Ada, and Isiah with Ezzie." Polly reminded the girls at the table, who all nodded.

"And I get to throw the flower petals!" Saoirse cheered, making Polly chuckle.

"Yes you do, my dear." Polly said with a smile towards the small girl, who was now playing with a doll.

"(Y/N), go shower, we leave in three hours!" Ezzie hissed, making you hurry on eating your pancake.

"And Finn will be here in two and a half to drop off your something new," Ada pointed out, making you curious.

Once you were done your pancake, you walked to the bathroom, and had a quick shower, washing your hair and body with some nice smelling shampoo, conditioner and body wash set Lizzie had gifted you. You trusted her, she seemed to know what the men liked. You also quickly went over your legs and underarms with a razor, and brushed your teeth. You weren't that cruel to make Finn kiss you with morning breath.

You hopped out of the shower, dried yourself and wrapped a towel around your body, then wrapped your hair up in another towel, this one being a microfiber one to help it dry quicker. You walked to your room, where Ezzie was sitting on the bed.

"You're putting on that set," Ezzie said with a stern look on her face.

You knew that look. That look was the one she gave when she meant something was final. The first and last time you disobeyed that look, you ended up with a rather nasty bruise in the shape of her paddle brush. You didn't want another, so you begrudgingly put on the set of lingerie you had bought yesterday.

"It's not like he's going to see it," You grumbled, trying — and failing — to clip up your bra behind you.

Ezzie came over and wordlessly helped you, then handed you a bottle of lotion. It looked as if it came from the same set as the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, and as you opened the bottle and the smell hit your nose, your thoughts were confirmed.

You quickly put some lotion on, then put on your slip. You looked up at the clock.

Two hours left. You felt the pit in your stomach get deeper. What would happen after you and Finn officially got married? Would you continue on acting civil all your lives, never to love each other but being bound to each other for all eternity? Or would Tommy be kind enough to let you get with different people, and the marriage only be for show? It was all a big mess of confusion, and you hated it.


"Your hair is going up today," Ezzie informed you casually, not bothering to look at you, making your heart stop.

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