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PUBLISHED: 27/05/2022

I had been here for about five days. I think. Assuming that the meals they had been bringing me were when they had their breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I hadn't killed any Italians, but I did maim the one who knocked me unconscious in Watery Lane, when he brought me my lunch the other day. Luca hadn't been too pleased when he found out, but he did agree that he didn't say anything about not maiming any of his men.

I was sitting on the floor, drawing on the wall with a piece of chalk Luca had given me. I would lose my mind if I was stuck down here with nothing to do. There wasn't even any windows. The air felt staler than bread that had been left out.

I heard the door unlock, and spun around on the spot. Luca was coming down the stairs, no tray full of food in hand.

"Is it breakfast already?" I questioned, feeling confused.

I had woken up a while ago, but I was sure that breakfast wasn't for a bit.

"Not yet," Luca informed me, coming to stand in front of me, putting his hands into his pocket, "For your good behaviour, ignoring that one incident, I've decided to grant you a wish."

"Let me go home?" I remarked, making him chuckle.

"Something more doable." Luca stated, looking down at me and waiting for my answer.

"Can — Can I be put into a room with windows?" I inquired, trying push the feelings of hopefulness away.

"Yes. We've got a room ready upstairs for you." Luca replied, "Your ma said you would want that."

I frowned. They already had me, why would they want her around?

Luca reached a hand out, and I ignored it, pushing off the floor and standing up, feeling a bit unsteady on my feet. He turned and lead me upstairs, into the living room, the room with the phone. Some men were sitting around the coffee table playing cards. I quickened my pace, wanting to get away from them.

He lead me to the corner of the room, then put a bit of pressure on a panel, stepping to the side then taking his hand off of it, making it swing back.

He lead me up the narrow staircase, and we ended up in a corridor of doors. He showed me my new room, the door second on the left.

He unlocked the door, both the deadbolt, which had been reversed so that the keyhole was on the inside, and the regular door lock, which had also been reversed.

"You gonna try to escape?" Luca asked lazily as he opened the door.

"No. It's not worth it," I replied, scowling.

If I did have a clear chance to escape though, I wouldn't hesitate.

"Bathroom's through there." Luca stated, knocking on the door to his left, "You share it with the room on the other side of it. That room happens to be my room. Don't worry, I don't like little girls."

I'd be stupid to take his word. He said no kids, but yet here I am, locked up at God knows where.

I walked into the room, looking around. The window had been painted black, from the outside, so I couldn't see out. I could see that it was cracked a tiny bit at the bottom to let fresh air through. To the left of the window, against the left wall, next to the bathroom door was a chest of drawers and a small mirror sat on top of it, along with a hairbrush and some hair ties, and ribbon.

There was a double bed with a plain white blanket and pillows in the far corner, a bedside table next to it. A small stool sat next to the beside table, a blue, soft looking towel folded up on it.

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