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PUBLISHED: 04/10/2022

You sat against Lizzie's legs, the older woman rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. You and Finn had an argument over something trivial, the lack of sleep due to having two teething babies in the house and stress from recent happenings getting the best of you both. You packed yourself and the kids, bar Saoirse, up and went to Arrow House for a bit, now turning into seven days and five hours, not that you were keeping count.

Linda strutted into the room, her heels clicking against the floor, and Lizzie immediately got up, but you didn't leave from your spot on the floor, giving the blonde woman a small nod and smile on greeting. She returned the gesture with a smile much tight-lipped than yours, and thought you looked absolutely pitiful.

"You're looking better, (Y/N)," Linda complimented, and you thanked her even though you knew the words were empty.

The women, even through their hardships with their respective husbands, managed to look like they drifted into the room on clouds of talcum powder, wonderful perfumes that made your head spin, and natural coloured nail polish.

You looked absolutely foul compared to them. But you knew that you also made no effort to look good. Whilst they were in their finery, you were still in your dressing gown, not even showered. Comfort over beauty, you told yourself. You had your three children to look after, too proud to accept help from Frances. You couldn't even muster the energy to paint your chipping nails.

You were a bit cut that your younger sister didn't follow you to Arrow House, but you weren't surprised. You knew she'd want to stay in the comfort of her own room. You just hoped Finn would be sensible whilst you were gone, staying off of the drugs, looking after Saoirse and helping Isiah look after his own two, all the while watching over Billy Grade.

"Do you want a drink?" Lizzie offered Linda, heading over to grab herself another drink.

Lizzie knew that your tea was a bit 'strong', and that you didn't need a refill — yet.

"I've stopped." Linda admitted, coming to stand in the middle of the room, making your eyebrow arch as you took a sip of your own.

Linda spun around, admiring the room as she took off her gloves, but stopped to stare at a portrait of Tommy and a white horse.

"So what have you decided?" Lizzie asked Linda as the blonde hair woman settled down on the couch.

"I've been talking to the Friends," Linda told the pair of you.

"What friends?" You questioned, pulling yourself up to plop yourself next to Linda on the opposite end of the couch.

"Quakers. Friends who meet at the Meeting House in Bournville." Linda answered your question as Lizzie came gliding back across the room, drink in hand.

"I'm staying in Bournville." Linda added, Lizzie giving a small nod as she seated herself across from the pair of you.

"And what do they say?" Lizzie pried, placing her drink down on the table, without a coaster.

You held back a wince. Lizzie always used coasters, and made everyone else use them as well. You knew that Lizzie would be having a bad day already, and it wasn't even midday. Poor woman. It just wasn't any of your days.

"They say I have been led astray." Linda stated, hands rubbing together nervously as Lizzie care freely lit a cigarette.

"If you've done to talk about redemption, you're talking to the wrong person." Lizzie said after taking a draw from her cigarette.

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