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PUBLISHED: 30/06/2022

I fixed my hair for what had to have been the millionth time as Finn tied off Saoirse's braid. Today was her first proper day of school. Finn, Polly, and I would be taking her. Dad was off doing dirty work for Tommy, so he couldn't come. He would be back later today, though, and Saoirse and I would be sleeping at camp.

Her teacher, Miss Elliot, had picked out a buddy for Saoirse to play with for her first day. I hoped that the buddy would be nice. Saoirse could hold her own against other kids but she was never confident enough to do so in new environments.

"You look fine, (Y/N)," Finn sighed, and I rolled my eyes, turning to face the pair.

"You're only saying that because you're my husband," I said, and he shook his head, then nudged Saoirse.

"Tell her how pretty she looks, Sersh," Finn encouraged, making her turn around in her chair and grin up at him, then turn back to me.

"You look gorgeous and Finn is very lucky to be married to you," Saoirse said, deadpan, making him grin and rub her cheek with his knuckles affectionately, not wanting to mess up his handiwork.

"I am lucky to be married to (Y/N)," Finn agreed, making me blush.

"Shut up," I muttered, but a small smile crept onto my face, showing the pair that my words were good natured.

"Never," Finn and Saoirse said in unison, then looked at each other in surprise.

I chuckled at their antics, then looked at the clock. Polly would be here any minute now. I looked at the pair, and hummed in approval. They looked decent. I'd be damned if I wasn't going to make a good impression on her teacher. I didn't need her thinking that we were negligent.

Saoirse looked down at her feet and brought the tail of her braid over her shoulder, playing with it.

"(Y/N)," She began uneasily, looking up at me, "What if no one at school likes me?"

I open my mouth to tell her to not be silly, then shut it again.

"You'll be fine," Are the words I decide on, "There's a lot of different people there. You'll make a friend before the school day is out."

Saoirse nodded, still not looking sure, and Finn stepped up to talk.

"You have your buddy, too, remember Miss Elliott telling us the other day?" Finn asked, making her look up at him and nod wordlessly, "Well, your buddy probably already has loads of friends. Show them your juggling skills, or something. Juggling's pretty neat."

Finn had taught her to juggle a couple of days ago. She was a natural at it, juggling anything she could with ease. She juggled oranges while I tied her shoelaces this morning, Finn and I cheering her on.

"Juggling is impressive," Saoirse admitted, making Finn crack a small grin and rub his knuckles against her face softly once more.

He leaned down and positioned his mouth next to her ear, then put his hand in front of it so I couldn't see what he was telling her.

"And, if anyone bullies you, you just tell them that Finn Shelby will take their parents' eyes," Finn added in a faux whisper, making her giggle.

My jaw dropped as I looked at him incredulously.

"Finn Charles Shelby!" I shrieked as I crossed the room, and gave him a slap on the back, making him laugh as he stood back up.

"I'm just joking, love," He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

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