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PUBLISHED: 02/06/2022

Polly Gray got out of the car, her son Michael following close behind.

"No. No fucking way," Michael protested as he got out, the springtime air hitting him.

"Have you ever eaten hedgehog, Michael?" Your father called out, making Bonnie laugh.

Polly was sure he was joking. Mostly sure.

"I'm getting back in this car." Michael announced, clearly not pleased.

"Michael, you're number two on Luca Changretta's hit list." Polly informed her son, not having it.

"Yeah, and I'll stay in a hotel," Michael shot back, pulling out his cigarette case and grabbing a cigarette.

"You stay in a hotel, I'll know where you are, so will the people who take you there, so will the people who work at the hotel." Polly said, stepping closer to her son, "And hotels don't move around. They don't even know where they'll be tomorrow. They follow the patrin and the crows."

"And if anyone should come for you, Michael, the Palmers and the Boswell's will put up a fair fight." Aberama informed the boy, Polly looking between the pair.

Michael took a few drags of his cigarette, disdain clear on his face.

"Take your medicine," Polly commanded, stepping past her son to grab them out of the car, ever the worrier.

"I'll take them," Bonnie announced, Polly handing them to the raven haired boy and him nodding a silent promise to take care of them.

"Your painkillers." Polly added, handing them to Bonnie.

"But the healers up there will heal you much quicker." Aberama added, knowing from first hand experience.

"Fucking witches, the lot of them." Michael said, making Bonnie turn around, ready to defend his people.

"Show some respect, Mr. Gray." Bonnie scolded lightly, heading back over to stand with his father, "They've agreed to welcome you on account of your blood."

Michael silently puffed on his cigarette, maintaining eye contact with Bonnie. Bonnie looked at Polly, then walked off, putting the medicines in the vardo Michael would be sleeping in.

"Take your medicine." Polly commanded her son, then handed him a revolver, "Take the gun. I won't be able to contact you. Till you phone me. We'll make a plan. Tommy says it won't be long. Then we'll be free."

A squeal in the tree above them alerted the group, and there you were, sitting with your sister Saoirse, laughing as you held a spider toward her, her shrieking and leaning away.

"Girls, come down!" Your father called out to you, "We've guests!"

You both looked at him, you putting the spider on the tree. Bonnie came over and stood at the base of the tree, arms open, and Saoirse jumped first, landing in Bonnie's arms with a shriek. Bonnie put your sister down, and she ran over to Polly, hugging her.

"Hello, poppet," Polly greeted warmly, smiling down at the child, then looked back over to see you jumping and Bonnie catching you with an 'oof'.

"You're getting too big for your brother to catch you now," Aberama warned the pair of you as you approached the group, arms slung over each other's shoulders, making you giggle.

"She's my little sister, Dad, she'll never get too big for me to catch her," Bonnie countered, a big grin on his face.

You beamed your older brother a toothy grin as he ruffled your already messy hair.

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