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PUBLISHED: 17/05/2022

(A/N: I have absolutely no idea what wedding dress shopping is like lmao bear with me here pls)

I paced back and forth, waiting for Polly and the rest of the girls to arrive.

"Keep on going and you'll tear a hole in the carpet." Finn said, lighting up a cigarette.

"Shut up! I'm going shopping for a dress everyone will see me in, it's stressful!" I snapped, turning around to face him.

He shrugged, "I'm going shopping for a suit today and I'm not walking a quarter mile."

I rolled my eyes as I unwrapped a piece of gum, "The suits are all the same, no one ever looks at suits, it's the bride's dress they all look at."

Finn hummed in agreement, and placed his hands on his stomach as he bounced his leg.

"I've been thinking," He began as I threw the gum into my mouth, "We agreed to be civil, so we called a truce but we don't have terms for the truce. We should make some."

"How smart, do you want a medal?" I snarked, sitting on the coffee table in front of him, crossing one leg over the other, trying to be mindful of the fact I had a dress on for once.

"I'm just saying, it would make stuff a lot easier if we knew what to expect from each other," Finn pointed out.

"That does make sense," I admitted, tucking my hair behind my ears and smoothing it down.

Finn produced a comb from his inner coat pocket and offered it to me. I took it wordlessly, and used it to tame my hair somewhat.

"Maybe you should tie it up?" Finn offered, making me scowl.

"No!" I snapped loudly, making him jump.

"I wasn't gonna fight you over it," Finn grumbled, making me throw the comb at him.

"So, say we do call an official truce, what happens if one of us breaks it?" I asked curiously, leaning forward, placing my forearms across my legs to support my weight.

"Whatever the other says — If I broke the truce you could tell me to run down Watery Lane wearing nothing but a smile, and the other way round," Finn decided, making me smirk.

"That sounds like a spot of fun — let's start making the rules, then," I agreed, and he got up, grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil off of the top of the fireplace, and sat back down, leaning on the coffee table.

"I'll write it up and stick it on top of the mantle so we can always see it, and so you can read it later on," Finn explained, already writing the number one.

I giggled as I realised I read the number — I learned my numbers from one to ten last night, as well as all my letters — Jeremiah called me a fast learner, a praise that kept me in a good mood all last night, even after Finn started on me because I dropped a plate.

"Okay, number one, no stirring each other up," Finn announced, writing it down.

"Number two, no touching me unless I say so," I supplied, leaning back onto my palms.

"I'll make it no touching each other unless the other says so. Number three, don't let the other get insulted in our presence, it will save a lot of fighting." Finn said, writing it down.

I frowned as I thought about how Finn didn't say anything to Linda yesterday.

"Number four, we have the right to walk away during an argument and the other person can't follow us," I added, watching the pencil glide gracefully across the page.

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