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PUBLISHED: 03/06/2022

I woke up to the sound of someone retching. I shot up, and Finn was leaning over the bed, so I shuffled over to him and rubbed his back until he got it all out.

"Did you get any on the sheets?" I asked, and he shook his head, taking deep breaths.

"You stay here, I'll clean this and grab you some water," I told him, giving him a final pat on the back and walking off to the bathroom.

I grabbed our toothbrush cup from the bathroom and placed our toothbrushes on the sink, filled the cup up with water and took it back in to Finn.

He took the cup gratefully, cleaning his mouth and spitting it into the bin. I looked through the door and saw the sunlight filtering through my window.

I left our doors open so I could feel some breeze while sleeping. I had closed the curtains around Finn's bed before going to sleep, although I was sure he wouldn't wake up from the light.

"Want to go back to sleep for a bit?" I questioned softly, climbing back into bed with him.

"Yeah," He mumbled, eyes half closed as he snuggled into me.

I heard the phone ring, and cursed, clambering out of bed and walking down the hall.

I picked up the phone with an annoyed "Hello?"

"(Y/N). Arthur's body is going around town in a wagon. On today. Starts at ten o'clock; on the dot, go to Polly's and stand outside with her. Don't be late." Tommy instructed coldly, then hung up the phone.

I looked down at the phone in shock, setting the mouthpiece back down on the receiver and walking down the hall, looking through my clothes and finding a black dress. I set it on my bed and shut the door, not wanting the cat to put his fur all over it. I looked at the time. Seven o'clock. That gave us two and a half hours to get ready, allowing a half hour for travel, even though we wouldn't really need the full half hour to drive down to Watery Lane.

I lit the fire, and headed back down to Finn's room, and grabbed the bin. I cleaned it out in the bath, washing the contents down the drain, then disinfecting both the bath and the bin.

I then decided to have a quick shower, putting on my underclothes, as well as doing my routine of putting on cream and deodorant, then wrapping my robe around me before I wrapped my wet hair into a towel turban to keep it out of the way, and headed towards the phone, flipping through the phone book until I found the number for Charlie's Yard.

Finn had stayed with Charlie after everyone else moved away, so I was sure he would know what my husband liked eating most.

The operator patched me through, and to my surprise, Curly picked up with a 'Charlie Strong's Yard, Curly speaking, how may I help?'

"Hello? Curly, it's (Y/N)," I greeted, twirling the cord around my finger, "Erm, would you happen to know what Finn likes best for breakfast?"

"Oh, hello Miss (Y/N)! Yeah, Finn, he likes omelettes with bits of bacon, onion, tomato, and mushroom. He likes fried potato too." Curly replied cheerfully.

"Thank you Curly, you look after yourself today, alright?" I commanded lightly, shifting my weight from foot to foot.

"Yeah, I will," He responded, now somber, "I got to go get horse ready to take the wagon, bye."

"See you later," I said, then ended the call.

I walked over to the fridge, and found the bacon, mushrooms, and tomatoes, but didn't find any onion in the wooden crate. I found potatoes, thankfully.

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