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PUBLISHED: 16/05/2022

Finn could hear you chattering away to the girls most of the day. You bonded more with them than you did with him, and it was safe to say that they adored you, and you them, bar Linda. He was slightly grateful, because it would make your transition into the family easier on you if you were liked.

You had become a good use in the betting shop, whispering in the men's ears on which horse you thought would win. Who would be stupid enough to ignore a traveller girl with a nice smile?

Little did the men know, you were making sure Shelby Company Limited would earn all the men's money by telling them to bet their money on the losing horses. Polly admired your cunningness.

It was now the end of the day, the shop just closing. You were sat on Polly's desk, chewing gum, laughing at some story Polly was telling you about your Dad. Finn was stood in the doorway, watching the pair of you, feeling envious at how Polly had managed to worm her way into your good graces and he was stuck being called 'Shelby'.

Linda pushed past Finn to show Polly something or other.

"You can't read it, you're not part of the business," Linda said to you, dropping the file onto Polly's desk just behind you.

"You're acting all high and mighty for someone who joined the business five seconds before I came through the door," You replied breezily, "And besides, I can't read — or write — anyway. I can do my name, and Dad says that's enough."

That didn't come to a surprise to Finn, he only learned how to read when he turned seventeen last year, and he still wasn't the best at it, even though he practiced reading the Bible every night with Jeremiah Jesus.

Linda scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Doesn't your family care about you children enough to teach you how to read?"

You stopped chewing your gum, and pursed your lips, looking at Linda.

"What did you just say?" You asked calmly.

"I'm just saying, if you want a respectable job and not one as a whore or a hit man your father should have taught you how to read," Linda stated, opening up the file.

One moment you were sitting there as Linda started explaining what she was showing to Polly, and the next you and Linda were on the floor, you on top of her punching her relentlessly with no sign of stopping.

"Oh, fuck," Finn gasped, hurrying over to pull you off of Linda, who had blood pouring from her mouth and nose.

Polly made no move to grab you, just watching it unfold. In her opinion, you could say whatever you wanted about a person, but you left their family out of it.

You threw your right elbow back, hitting Finn square in the nose, sending him stumbling back. He was dazed for a few seconds, but quickly recovered, grabbing you by the collar and dragging you back off of the poor woman. He could feel his nose dripping blood.

You thrashed around in his grip, trying to get him to let you go.

"(Y/N), if you hurt Linda any more it'll make it harder for Tommy to consider your terms for the marriage — Bonnie and safety when passing through, remember?" Finn cautioned, making you stop your thrashing.

"Don't you ever talk about my family like that ever again, you Christian slut!" You shrieked at Linda, who was rolling on the floor, holding a hand on her face and groaning.

Finn helped you up roughly, his nose still pouring blood. He lead you to the bathroom, where he grabbed some toilet paper and dabbed under his nose. He looked in the mirror, thankfully it didn't get onto his shirt. You turned on the tap and started washing your hands.

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