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PUBLISHED: 22/07/2022

Thomas Shelby and his elder brother Arthur strolled into the Garrison, which was empty. It wasn't opening time, yet. The morning sun was shining through the stained glass windows. Glass crunched under their feet as they walked, and surveyed their surroundings. It was like a whirlwind made it's way through there. Or a really bad bar fight. Arthur just hoped his kid brother wasn't involved in it.

Tommy made himself comfortable on a stool, which woke up the girl laying in a booth. Mary Bone looked over at the source of the noise, and gasped.

"Go home," Tommy commanded, making her grab her dress and cover herself with it for decency as she slipped her shoes on.

"Come here, you," Arthur demanded, walking over to a chair and grabbing the coat off of the back of it, "Put this on."

He held the coat out to her, and she grabbed it thankfully, slipping it over her petite frame.

"There you go. Look at that. Looks great on ya! Wrap up warm." Arthur said as she left the pub, hurrying out along the street.

Tommy looked at his peacefully asleep younger brother, clearly not pleased with the company he kept. He wondered if Finn's wife even knew he was friends with the girl in the brown coat. He was sure she only had a baby recently, too. It wouldn't hurt her to stay home with it.

Arthur grabbed a glass of water, putting ice from another glass into it, then hopped up onto the chair of the booth next to the one Finn was laid in, and poured the cold water and ice onto his brother, making Finn yelp and fly up, panting in surprise.

"Wake up," Arthur said by way of greeting, ignoring the way his brother looked at him as he hopped down, "Rise and shine."

Finn sighed and moved himself so he was sitting properly on the edge of the seat, "What are you doing here?"

"Wasting our fucking time on you," Tommy replied, ever the one for no nonsense.

Finn groaned as he rubbed his temples, trying to chase away a headache. Arthur handed his younger brother a glass of water, which he went to take a sip from as he stood up.

"Sit down, Finn," Tommy ordered his younger brother, "Sit down."

Finn sat back down, then Tommy stood up and stepped over to his brother.

"What do I have to do," He began, eyes trained on his curly haired brother, "To make you fucking listen to me?"

Arthur settled into the booth across from Finn.

"You took a bullet. You've been running around the streets with a fucking gun in your hand." Tommy added, one hand on the back of the booth behind Finn and the other on his hip so he didn't strangle his brother for his idiocy.

"Somebody has to." Finn defended himself, looking Tommy square in the eye.

Arthur fought back the urge to chuckle. Finn had definitely toughened up after he met you. He wouldn't have been able to look Tommy in the eye four years ago.

Tommy and Finn looked over at their older brother, who didn't hesitate with his reply.

"Finn, we've got people for that kind of work. Soldiers. Captains and corporals," Arthur explained, waving a hand around, making Finn clench his jaw as he looked at the window.

"Well then, what am I?" Finn questioned, looking back at his older brother, trying not to let the older two catch on to how badly he was craving for an answer to that question.

"'What am I?' Jesus Christ," Tommy said as he stood up straight, clearing his throat.

"Yeah, what am I, Tom? Huh?" Finn pushed his older brother, making Tommy look down at his younger brother, "I'm the brother you never got around to."

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