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PUBLISHED: 16/06/2022

I walked around a furniture in London, hand in hand with Finn. We had come up for the day to buy new furniture, and then, tonight, we'd be going to the fair tonight. I felt giddy just thinking about it.

We had a shop attendant escorting us around, explaining each piece of furniture. Finn had arranged it, as well as arranging for delivery and assembly of our new furniture.

We had already gotten a full body mirror to place at the end of the hallway in our apartment, which was fun.

"What if we got Chesterfields?" Finn mused as we slowed down in front of them.

I scrunched my nose up. No wonder he wanted Lizzie to come with him to get the beds. He obviously didn't know how to decorate, or what was good or not.

"Finn, we are not getting leather sofas. If we fall asleep on there for a nap the other will have to pry us off with a spatula." I replied, making him snort.

I heard the shop attendant chuckle but cover it with a cough.

"We'll what if we got a Chesterfield knockoff that had proper upholstery then?" Finn asked, and I shook my head.

"The buttons will fall off at some point and I don't want to spend the rest of my life sticking them back on." I reasoned, making him sigh, but nod.

We walked down further, and I spotted the perfect couch.

"Finn, come sit your arse on this," I commanded, walking over to it and flopping down onto it.

I sighed and laid back on it. It was quite comfy. It'd be nice to nap on, and to top it all off, it was the same colour as the cat so the cat hair wouldn't show up much.

Finn came and sat on it, then laid back next to me, "Fucking hell. I didn't know they made couches like this. It's like sitting and laying on a cloud."

"We're getting two!" I decided as I sat up, and he gave a thumbs up, still laying down.

"It's a four seater," The attendant explained, making me nod, "And it's modular, meaning you can move the chaise and split the couch in half as you pleased. The corner on the side Mr. Shelby is laid on splits off."

With the kids, we could probably fit them all on there

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With the kids, we could probably fit them all on there. The little kids would probably just lay on the chaise anyway.

"That's the lounge settled, then." I stated, and Finn hummed in agreement as he sat back up.

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