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PUBLISHED: 19/06/2022

You adjusted the dish filled with sweets on your coffee table for what felt like the millionth time as you waited, Finn pacing back and forth in front of the door.

The cat even looked agitated, kneading at his pillow impatiently.

A knock sounded upon the door, and you flew up, walking over to the door, Finn already opening it.

There stood Tatiana, who you assumed was Tatiana's husband; Trevor, and John's six kids, each of them, bar the baby on the oldest one's hip, carrying a rucksack.

Esme was pregnant with his seventh and last, soon to give birth. You had a dream that her and Lizzie went into labour on the same day, Lizzie having Ruby and her having a little boy named George the day after. You hoped it was a vision and not just a dream.

"Uncle Finn!" One of the older ones said as she ran up to him, hugging him.

The rest followed suit. The two adults stepped through the door, and you told them to make themselves comfortable, going and putting on the kettle. They went and sat at your new dining table, one that was big enough to accommodate you, Finn, and the six kids, not that Sophie would need her own seat, you and Finn would probably sit her on your laps.

"This is my wife, (Y/N)," Finn introduced you to the kids, "And this is our cat, Finn Junior."

You waved and gave them what you hoped was a motherly grin as you hurried over and grabbed the dish from the coffee table, holding it out for one of the children to take.

One of the younger ones came and took it, uttering a 'thank you.'

"I'm Katie, and this is Colin, Mary, Lachlan — Lockie, John Junior — JJ, and baby Sophie," Katie said, then nudged the baby on her hip, waving towards you.

The baby grinned and did a hand clenching and unclenching wave, making you chuckle.

"Does your cat scratch?" Mary asked as she walked over to Finn Junior.

"Only when he needs too, if he starts to walk away from you that's a good sign he wants to be left alone." You advised, going back over and helping Finn make the cups of tea, one cup of coffee for Trevor, and carry them over to the dining table, then sitting down next to your husband.

Trevor had taken the head of the table, with Tatiana to his right, and you and Finn to his left. It was a smart move, taking the head. To you, that was where the host or the person with the most power in a situation sat. Trevor definitely had the authority here.

"Your beds are in the last room down the hall on the right, me and (Y/N) have made up baskets with your names on them full of fun stuff, she evens knitted you all a sweater each," Finn informed the kids.

They all rushed down the hall to go check it out, followed by the cat.

They'd be sleeping in Finn's room, on his bed and the two trundles. Most of his bedroom floor was taken up by the beds, but he didn't mind, not if he got to see his nephews and nieces again. It had a plus side too; he'd get to sleep with you. He usually did, but this would be different. He had an excuse not to sleep in his own bed. He liked sleeping in yours, getting to wake up to you in the mornings.

"So. Esme has rules for her kids staying here," Trevor began, making you and Finn nod.

"Rule number one, also the only rule, no other Shelby family adults coming to see them, especially not Thomas Shelby. The kids, their cousins, can, but not the adults." He announced.

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