Meeting the rest

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I did exactly what Cartman told me to do...waking up at 3 am in the morning to go and put on the outfit he gave me and meet him at this so called 'base' he claims..

{As a matter of fact what did he even do on my phone} I wondered as I process to check my phone for suspicious things.

>You have been added into a groupchat called 'Cowboys vs Indians'<

{Huh? He added me into a groupchat?} I was about send a message until I noticed my notifications had blown up while I was sleeping.

My poor notifications:(

I looked at my contacts to see a bunch of people have added me.

>Cartman has added you<

>Sally has added you<

>Tweek has added you<

>Kyle has added you<

{Who are these people?}

I heard a notification text pop up on my phone from the groupchat I was added into.

Cowboys vs Indians:

Cartman: Oh thats right, I forgot to send the new kid the address to where our base is going to be...

Kyle: Really Cartman?

Cartman: Fuck off Kahl! I'll send it to him right now.

Tweek: W-why not j-just s-s-send it in h-here?...y-you know...because t-the new kid i-is in this g-groupchat he can probably see w-what we are typing right n-now.

Cartman: Tweek

Cartman: How in the ever living fuck can you stutter through text?

Kyle: Enough Cartman, just send him the address and get this over with.

Cartman: Fine, but I ain't sending it in here!

You watched as the people from your contacts started texting.

You then saw a notification from your dms.

Cartman dming you privately:

Cartman: New kid, heres the address better remember it because I will be deleting my text so you can't see it again.

Cartman: *inserts the address*

You: uhh...thanks Cartman...?

Cartman: hurry up now!

>Cartman went offline<

You read over the address he sent you. You decided to write it down in your notebook to remember it.

{I guess I better head over there then...}


I arrived at the base the address led me to...I was a bit nervous since I didn't know what I was getting myself into...

I opened up the door only to be met with glimps of eyes starring at me.

"Ack! Its the n-new kid! He a-arrived!" Tweek said while twitching violently. "Welcome new kid. Have a seat next to the jewslinger if you don't mind and we can get started with the explanation of why you are here."

"Shut up fatass! And its gunslinger for you!" Kyle said shouting at Cartman.

"Don't call me fat you fucking jew!" Cartman said shouting back." You hesitated a little but proceeded to sit down next to the red headed kid. {This must be him...}

"Alright New kid. The reason I added you to our team is because we are playing cowboys vs indians. The indians have a great amount of people on their team and I think you might be the best fit for us." "And I take as you want me to help you guys win against them?" "Well duh, you seem to be pretty good with your phone so of course we are going to win!"

"Besides, the indians fucking cheat anyway." Cartman said crossing his arms while putting his feet on the table.

"Name one time you never cheat, ever Cartman". Kyle said annoyed. "Shut up Kahl!" "Anyways, do you accept new kid? You can't back out once you do".

You though about it for a second and you agreed because you know you would have nothing better to do anyways if you declined...

"Alright! That settles it, we will start attacking the indians first thing at 8:30 am."

Everyone started to get up from their seats and proceeded to head back to their homes. You were to do the same when someone tapped you on the shoulder.

It was Kyle...

"You need something Kyle?" You asked confused.

"Yeah uhm, I just wanted to ask what is your name. Since you're the new kid and all."

"I said my name early to Cartman before, but I don't think he even bothered to tell you guys my name..." you said sounding a little disappointed.

"But my name is Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you." Kyle smiled and you both ended up talking for a while before saying your goodbyes and walked to your houses.


You arrived back upstairs without making any noises to wake your parents up. You went to your closet and took off your cowboy uniform and slipped into some warm (favorite color) pjs. You climbed into your bed and spent a little bit more time playing some games on your phone before you drifted to sleep.

{Maybe this won't be so bad after all...I mean whats the worse that could happen?"


>???'s POV<

"So the cowboys got a new member into their team...this is going to be fun...~"

844 words counted....

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